
In: Computer Science

Writing a statically allocated linked list in ARM assembly (raspberry pi). Step 1: You will statically...

Writing a statically allocated linked list in ARM assembly (raspberry pi).

Step 1: You will statically allocate some space for your link list elements. You need to make 5 elements, each elements should have two components, the next pointer first then the value stored. First initialize next pointer to NULL. The value stored at the address will be a string pointer.

Step 2: You will then write a function that links the statically allocated linked list elements together.

Step 3: In your main you call your linking function to link all 5 elements together.

Step 4: Print out each element in order by traversing the list. This means that you can't store each address in registers. You will lose points if you just print everything. Step 5: Use the malloc call to allocate for n (any number of entries represented by the letter n) entries from the command line.


Expert Solution


Given data:

Source Code:

extern malloc
extern free
extern putchar
extern puts

section .data
    size_i:             ; Used to determine the size of the structure
    struc node
        info: resd  1
        next: resd  1
    len: equ $ - size_i  ; Size of the data type

    nullMes:    db  'Null pointer - the list is empty', 0
    addMes:     db  'Adding a new element', 0
    printMes:   db  'Printing a linked list:', 0
    cleanMes:   db  'Cleaning an element', 0
    doneCleanMes:   db  'Ready for cleaning...', 0
    emptyListMes:    db  '- empty list -', 0

section .bss
    prim:   resd  1
    push ebp            ; Save the stack
    mov ebp, esp

    push eax            ; Save the registers
    push ebx

    push len            ; Size to get from the heap and pass the size to the malloc function
    call malloc         ; Call the malloc function - now eax has the address of the allocated memory

    mov ebx, [ebp + 12]
    mov [eax + info], ebx    ; Add the element to the node data field
    mov dword [eax + next], 0   ; Address of the next element is NULL, because it is the last element in the list

    mov ebx, [ebp + 8]  ; Retrieve the address to the first element
    cmp dword [ebx], 0
    je null_pointer

    mov ebx, [ebx]      ; This parameter was the address of the address
                        ; Now it is the address of the first element, in this case, not null
    ; If it is not NULL, find the address of the last element
    cmp dword [ebx + next], 0
    je found_last
    mov ebx, [ebx + next]
    jmp next_element

    push eax
    push addMes
    call puts
    add esp, 4              ; Restore the stack
    pop eax

    mov [ebx + next], eax   ; Last element is this one from the newly allocated memory block

    pop ebx             ; Restore registers
    pop eax

    mov esp, ebp
    pop ebp
    ret 8               ; Return to the caller function and cleaning the stack

    push eax
    push nullMes
    call puts
    add esp, 4
    pop eax

    mov [ebx], eax      ; Point the address of the first element to the allocated memory

    jmp go_out
    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp

    push ebx
    mov ebx, [ebp + 8]  ; Address of the first element
    cmp ebx, 0
    je emptyList

    push eax
    push printMes       ; Print message "Printing a linked list"
    call puts
    add esp, 4
    pop eax

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