
In: Computer Science

In this homework, you will implement a single linked list to store a list of employees...

In this homework, you will implement a single linked list to store a list of employees in a company. Every employee has an ID, name, department, and salary. You will create 2 classes: Employee and EmployeeList. Employee class should have all information about an employee and also a “next” pointer. See below:














Return Type



Employee(int ID, string name, string department, int salary)

EmployeeList class should have a head pointer and a size as attributes. The head pointer points to list of the employee nodes. In the class, following member functions should be implemented:








Return Type





addEmployee(int ID, string name, string department, int salary)


removeEmployee(int ID)




print(string department)


print(int ID)





addEmployee (): Adds a new employee to the list. The new employee is placed based on his/her salary from lowest to highest. For example, if you have following three employees:

A new employee, “11 / Mike / Marketing / $65000” will be placed between Jim and John since his salary is more than $50000 and less than $70000.

removeEmployee(): This functions will remove the employee using by his/her ID. If the given ID number is not in the list, it will give an error.

print(): Prints all employees in (salary) order. ID, name, department, and salary should be printed for each employee.

print(string department): Prints all employees whose department matches with the user input department.

print(int ID): Prints the employee with given input ID.

getSize(): returns the number of employees in the list.

isEmpty(): returns true if list is empty, returns false otherwise.

The main program is provided for you. So you will only implement the Employee and EmployeeList classes. I expect you to have 2 files: EmployeeList.h and EmployeeList.cpp. Employee class definition should be in the EmployeeList.h file.

main.cpp includes all necessary functions to read the dataset file (dataset.txt). Also, several test cases are prepared for you to see whether your code is running or not. You do not need to change any code in the main.cpp file.


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in C++ and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Here I am attaching code for all files:

  • EmployeeList.cpp
  • EmployeeList.h
  • main.cpp


#include "EmployeeList.h"
#include <iostream>

   head = new Employee();
   size = 0;

// adds a new emplyee to the list, sorted by salary
void EmployeeList::addEmployee(int ID, std::string name, std::string department, int salary)
   Employee* newEmployee = new Employee(ID, name, department, salary);
   Employee* current = head;
   Employee* previous = head;

   // adds the first element to the linked list
   if (EmployeeList::isEmpty())
       head = newEmployee;
       // if the salary of the new node is less than the head, then it makes the new node the head node
       if (head->salary > newEmployee->salary)
           newEmployee->next = head;
           head = newEmployee;

       // single case for if the 2nd node added is less than the head
       else if (head->next == NULL && head->salary < newEmployee->salary)
           head->next = newEmployee;
           // loop through the list to add the node
           for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
               previous = current;
               current = current->next;

               // general case for a new lower salary node
               if (current->salary > newEmployee->salary)
                   newEmployee->next = current;
                   previous->next = newEmployee;

               // general case for if the last node in the list is already less then the new node
               else if (current->salary < newEmployee->salary && current->next == NULL)
                   current->next = newEmployee;

// removes an employee by ID
void EmployeeList::removeEmployee(int ID)
   Employee* current = head;
   Employee* deletedNode;

   int foundIndex;

   // if you try to remove from an empty list
   if (EmployeeList::getSize() == 0)
       std::cout << "List is empty!\n";
       // find the index of the ID given
       for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
           // if you find the ID at the current, then break from the loop
           if (current->ID == ID)
               foundIndex = i;
               // set the index to null and cycle the current
               foundIndex = -1;
               current = current->next;

       // special case for if the first index is chosen
       if (foundIndex == 0)
           deletedNode = head;
           head = head->next;
           delete deletedNode;

       // error message for if the ID is not found
       else if (foundIndex == -1)
           std::cout << "ID not found!\n";

       // general case to find the node to delete
           current = head;

           for (int i = 0; i < foundIndex - 1; i++)
               current = current->next;
           deletedNode = current->next;

           // reconnecting the nodes if it is not the last node
           if (foundIndex != size - 1)
               current->next = deletedNode->next;

           delete deletedNode;

// prints all employees in the list
void EmployeeList::print()
   Employee* current = head;

   int n = 0;

   // check if the list is empty
   if (EmployeeList::getSize() == 0)
       std::cout << "List is empty!\n";
   else {
       for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
           std::cout << current->ID << " " << current->name << " " << current->department << " " << current->salary << "\n";
           current = current->next;
       std::cout << std::endl;

// prints employees by department
void EmployeeList::print(std::string department)
   Employee* current = head;

   // check if the list is empty
   if (EmployeeList::getSize() == 0)
       std::cout << "List is empty!\n";
   else {

       // convert the input to uppercase for direct comparison
       for (size_t i = 0; i < department.length(); i++)
           department[i] = toupper(department[i]);

       // check if the department exists
       if (department == "TRAINING" || department == "MARKETING" || department == "SERVICES" || department == "SUPPORT" ||
           department == "ACCOUNTING" || department == "LEGAL" || department == "RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT" || department == "ENGINEERING" ||
           department == "MANAGEMENT" || department == "DEVELOPMENT")
           for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
               // convert the node's department to uppercase
               std::string checkDepartment = current->department;

               for (size_t i = 0; i < checkDepartment.length(); i++)
                   checkDepartment[i] = toupper(checkDepartment[i]);

               // print by department if they are equal
               if (checkDepartment == department)
                   std::cout << current->ID << " " << current->name << " " << current->department << " " << current->salary << "\n";
               current = current->next;
           std::cout << "This department doesn't exist!" << std::endl;
       std::cout << std::endl;

// prints employees by ID
void EmployeeList::print(int ID)
   Employee* current = head;
   bool iDFound = false;

   // check if the list is empty
   if (EmployeeList::getSize() == 0)
       std::cout << "List is empty!\n";
   else {
       for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
           if (current->ID == ID)
               std::cout << current->ID << " " << current->name << " " << current->department << " " << current->salary << "\n";
               iDFound = true;
           current = current->next;

       // if the ID does exist in the list
       if (iDFound == false)
           std::cout << "This ID doesn't not exist!" << std::endl;
       std::cout << std::endl;

// returns the size of the list
int EmployeeList::getSize()
   return size;

// returns if the list is empty or not
bool EmployeeList::isEmpty()
   if (size == 0)
       return true;
       return false;


#include <string>

class Employee {

   int ID;
   std::string name;
   std::string department;
   int salary;

   Employee* next;

   friend class EmployeeList;

   // default empty constructor
   Employee() {

       next = NULL;

   // loaded constructor of all values
   Employee(int _ID, std::string _name, std::string _department, int _salary) {
       ID = _ID;
       name = _name;
       department = _department;
       salary = _salary;

       next = NULL;

class EmployeeList

   Employee * head;
   int size;

   void addEmployee(int ID, std::string name, std::string department, int salary);
   void removeEmployee(int ID);
   void print();
   void print(std::string department);
   void print(int ID);
   int getSize();
   bool isEmpty();


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "EmployeeList.h"

using namespace std;

EmployeeList myCompany;

//Read the dataset file and loads myCompany list
void loadDataset(string fileName) {
   ifstream inFile;;

   //Add all employees to the list
   int ID, salary;
   string name, dept;
   while (inFile >> ID >> name >> dept >> salary)
       myCompany.addEmployee(ID, name, dept, salary);


//Just for convenience...
void continueMessage(string message) {
   cout << message << endl;
   cout << "Press Enter to continue.." << endl; cin.get();

int main() {

   string fileName = "dataset.txt";

   continueMessage("Dataset file is loaded to the program!");

   continueMessage("All employees in the company are listed!");

   int ID = 1;
   string name = "Mike";
   string dept = "Training";
   int salary = 94123;
   myCompany.addEmployee(ID, name, dept, salary);

   continueMessage("New employee is added to the company.");

   continueMessage("The employee having ID:1 listed.");

   continueMessage("All employees in the company are listed!");

   continueMessage("The employees in " + dept + " are listed.");

   continueMessage("The employee having ID:1 is removed from the company.");

   if (myCompany.isEmpty())
       cout << "The company does not have any employees" << endl;
   else {
       int size = myCompany.getSize();
       cout << "There are " << size << " employees in the company." << endl;


   return 0;

Sample Output Screenshots:

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