
In: Computer Science

Make following changes. step(A) step 1 Implementation a Generic Linked List using the program developed in...

Make following changes. step(A)
step 1 Implementation a Generic Linked List using the program developed in the class.
step 2  Implement StackImpl class using the generic linked list.
step 3 Test the program with different type and number of matching and un-matching brackets.
This is how it works!
When you run the class MatchBrackets a popup dialog appears asking you to select a file. You are provided two input files in the project. input1.txt contains matching brackets and input2.txt does not match the brackets.
You can select any of these files to verify.

Then do steb(B)

step 1 Externalize the inner classes Node and ListIterator.
step 2 Make the appropriate changes to turn in the LinkedList class into a generic class.
step3 Use the one exception classes EmptyList where applicable.
step4 . Implement StackImpl class using the generic linked list.
step 5 Add test cases in the main method to demonstrate the working of your code.
. step 6 Run match bracket to check whether the brackets were matched or not.


Expert Solution

public class linkedList<T> {
   private class node{
       public T data;
       public node next;
       public node(T data) {
   private node head;
   public linkedList() {
   public boolean isEmpty() {
       return head==null;
   public void insertAtFront(T data) {
       node temp=new node(data);;
   public T peek() {
           return null;
   public void removeFront() {
   public String toString() {
       String result="";
       node temp=head;
       while(temp!=null) {
 " ";
       return result;
//=======end of
public class StackImpl {
   private linkedList<Character> list;
   public StackImpl() {
       list=new linkedList<Character>();
   public void push(Character ch) {
   public boolean isEmpty() {
       return list.isEmpty();
   public Character top() {
           return null;
       return list.peek();      
   public void pop() {
   public String toString() {
       return list.toString();
//=====end of

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MatchBrackets {
   public static boolean match(String expression) {
       StackImpl S=new StackImpl();
       for(int i=0;i<expression.length();i++) {
           else if(expression.charAt(i)==']') {
                   return false;
               else if('[')
                   return false;
           else {
               return false;
           return true;
       return false;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       try {
       String expression="";
       Scanner in=new Scanner(;
       File fp;
       Scanner scr;
       System.out.println("1. input1.txt");
       System.out.println("2. input2.txt");
       System.out.print("Enter choice(1,2): ");
       int choice=in.nextInt();
           if(choice==1) {
               fp=new File("input1.txt");
               scr=new Scanner(fp);
               while (scr.hasNextLine()) {
                   System.out.println(expression+" Bracket match: "+match(expression));
           else if(choice==2) {
               fp=new File("input2.txt");
               scr=new Scanner(fp);
               while (scr.hasNextLine()) {
                   System.out.println(expression+" Bracket match: "+match(expression));
           }else {
               System.out.println("Invalid choice!");
       }catch(Exception e) {
//=======end of

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