In: Nursing
5.1) Define elder abuse and the possible different forms of elder abuse you may come across in your nursing career (in 50-70 words)
Elder abuse is the wilful infliction of injury , unreasonable confinement, intimidation or punishment with resultnt harm or pain or mental anguish or deprivation by an individual including a care taker of services or goods that are necessary to attain or maintain physical, mental and psychosocial well being.
There is also a term Elder Neglect is used which refers to any failure to provide goods or services necessary t avoid physical harm, mental anguish or mental illness.
Following are the different forms of elder abuse.
1.Physical abuse: It is the use of force resulting in bodily injury, physical pain or impairment. It involves the act of violence as striking , pushing , shaking , slapping , kicking , pinching and burning. It also include the inappropriate use of medication, restraints , force feeding by health care team.
2.Sexual abuse: It is a sexual contact with any person without his/her or incapable of giving consent.It includes unwanted touching, sexual assault or battery, rape, sodomy and pornography.
3.Psychological abuse: It is the inflection of distress through verbal or non-verbal acts.It includes verbal assault , insult, threat, humiliation and harassment, use of abusive language, silence or isolation.
4.Self Neglect: It is the behavior of an elderly person that threatens his / her own health safety. It includes any person who is not mentally or physically capable for self care.
5.Abandonment: It is the desertion of an elderly person by an individua who has assumed responsibility for providing care or by person with physical custody.
6.Financial exploitation: It is the illegal or imporper use of an elder's funds, property or assets. It includes use of funds without permission, proxy signature , misusing or stealing possessions, improper use of poer of attorney or guardianship.