
In: Statistics and Probability

R code Need assistance in getting this R code to run variables (Process) char ( Age)...

R code

Need assistance in getting this R code to run variables (Process) char ( Age) char

tmp <- expand.grid(Process = unique(words$Process),Age =unique(words$Age))
X <- model.matrix(~ factor(Process):factor(Age), data = tmp)

glht(mod, linfct = X)


Expert Solution

I think your code is incomplete and i dont have data also to test it. So i have included one of the example for your reference and edited your code little bit,

Your Code -


TEMP = expand.grid(height = seq(60, 80, 5), weight = seq(100, 300, 50),
sex = c("Male","Female"))

X = model.matrix(~ height:weight, data = TEMP)

glht(mod, linfct = X)


Example -

tmp <- expand.grid(Process = unique(words$Process)
Age =unique(words$Age),stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

X <- model.matrix(~ factor(Process):factor(Age), data = tmp)

glht(mod, linfct = X)

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