
In: Psychology

Respond to the following quote “Everything psychological is also biological. Every thought and feeling depends on...

Respond to the following quote “Everything psychological is also biological. Every thought and feeling depends on the functioning on the brain. Every creative idea, every moment of joy or anger, every period of depression emerges from the electrochemical activity of the brain.”


Expert Solution

The given quote "Everything psychological is also biological. Every thought and feeling depends on the functioning on the brain. Every creative idea, every moment of joy or anger, every period of depression emerges from the electrochemical activity of the brain" is quite appropriate to state. Everything psychological is the result of activities happening in the brain. Brain is the biological organ of psyche, therefore everything that is felt in the psyche is the result of working of it's organ that is the brain itself. Biology is making progress in tracking down the processes in the brain that leads to psychological things such as depression anger etc. For example there are neurochemicals inside our body that is responsible for generating the feeling of happiness, they are called Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins. Level of different Harmons too change the way a person feels. The production of adranalin makes a person feel anxious or nervous etc. It's a two way ptocess. These psychological effects change brain activities too, for example it has been found that in depressed people the part of brain called hippocampus which is responsible for memory and long term memories, shrinks down. In researches there has been found genes that are linked to schizophrenia. In autistic people underdevelopment of brain and underconnectivity between different reasons of the brain has also been found. There is a lot to discover about brain activities and it's psychological aspects but the connections are already being seen.

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