
In: Computer Science

In C++ please: In this lab we will creating two linked list classes: one that is...

In C++ please:

In this lab we will creating two linked list classes: one that is a singly linked list, and another that is a doubly linked list ( This will be good practice for your next homework assignment where you will build your own string class using arrays and linked list ) .

These LinkedList classes should both be generic classes. and should contain the following methods:

  • Print

  • Add - Adds element to the end of the linked list.

  • IsEmpty

  • Push - Adds element to the beginning of the linked list

  • InsertAt - Inserts an element at a given position

  • Clear - Removes all elements from the linked list

  • Contains - Returns true if element is in the linked list

  • Get - Returns a value at a specific position

  • IndexOf - Returns the first position where an element occurs, -1 if not

  • LastOf - Returns the last position where an element occurs, -1 if not

  • Remove - Removes the last item added to the list

  • RemoveAt - Removes an element at a specific position

  • RemoveElement - Removes the first occurrence of a specific element

  • Size

  • Slice - Returns a subset of this linked list given a beginning position start and end position stop.

You will also count the number of operations that is performed in each method and will calculate the RUN-TIME of each method, as well as calculating the BIG O, OMEGA and THETA notation of each method. This information should be written in a comment block before each method ( you may count the number of operations on each line if you want ).


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
struct node {
        node<T>* next;
        T data;

template<typename T>
class SinglyLinkedList
        node<T>* first;
        SinglyLinkedList<T>() {
                first = NULL;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void Print(){
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        cout<<curr->data<<" ";
                        curr = curr->next;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void Add(T data) {
                if(first == NULL) {
                        // The list is empty
                        first = new node<T>;
                        first->data = data;
                        first->next = NULL;
                else {
                        // The list isn't empty
                        node<T>* curr = first;
                        while(curr->next != NULL){
                                curr = curr->next;
                        node<T>* temp = new node<T>;
                        temp->data = data;
                        temp->next = NULL;
                        curr->next = temp;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        bool isEmpty(){
                if(this->first == NULL){
                        return true;
                return false;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        void Push(T data){
                if(first == NULL) {
                        // The list is empty
                        first = new node<T>;
                        first->data = data;
                        first->next = NULL;
                        node<T>* temp = new node<T>;
                        temp->data = data;
                        temp->next = first;
                        first = temp;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void InsertAt(T data, int pos){
                        node<T>* curr = first;
                        for(int i=1;i<pos-1;i++){
                                curr = curr->next;
                        node<T>* temp = new node<T>;
                        temp->data = data;
                        temp->next = curr->next;
                        curr->next = temp;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        void Clear(){
                this->first = NULL;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        bool Contains(T data){
                node<T>* curr = first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        if(curr->data == data){
                                return true;
                        curr = curr->next;
                return false;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)

        T get(int index) {
                if(index == 0) {
                        // Get the first element
                        return this->first->data;
                } else {
                        // Get the index'th element
                        node<T>* curr = this->first;
                        for(int i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
                                curr = curr->next;
                        return curr->data;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        int IndexOf(T data){
                int index = -1;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        if(curr->data == data){
                                return index+1;
                        curr = curr->next;
                return -1;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        int LastOf(T data){
                int index = 0;
                int ans = -1;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        if(curr->data == data){
                                ans = index;
                        curr = curr->next;
                return ans;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void Remove(){
                node<T>* prev = NULL;
                node<T>* curr = first;
                while(curr->next != NULL){
                        prev = curr;
                        curr = curr->next;
                prev->next = NULL;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void RemoveAt(int pos){
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                node<T>* prev = NULL;
                        first = first->next;
                        for(int i=1;i<pos;i++){
                                prev = curr;
                                curr = curr->next;
                        prev->next = curr->next;
                        curr->next = NULL;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void RemoveElement(T data){
                if(first->data == data){
                        first = first->next;
                        node<T>* curr = this->first;
                        node<T>* prev = NULL;
                        while(curr != NULL){
                                prev = curr;
                                curr = curr->next;
                                if(curr->data == data){
                                        prev->next = curr->next;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        int Size(){
                int cnt = 0;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        curr = curr->next;
                return cnt;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        node<T>* Slice(int start,int end){
                int l = end - start + 1;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                for(int i=1;i<start;i++){
                        curr = curr->next;
                return curr;


int main() {
        SinglyLinkedList<std::string> list;
                cout<<"List is Empty "<<endl;
                cout<<"List is not empty"<<endl;
        cout<<"Size = "<<list.Size()<<endl;
        cout<<"Element at position 1 is "<<list.get(1)<<endl;
                cout<<"List contains X"<<endl;
                cout<<"List does not contain X"<<endl;
        cout<<"Position of the word Akash is "<<list.IndexOf("Akash")<<endl;
        cout<<"Last Position of the word Akash is "<<list.LastOf("Akash")<<endl;
        cout<<"After removing Akash from the list "<<endl;
        return 0;


Hi Hello 
Hi Bye Hello 
Hi Bye Hello Akash 
List is not empty
Size = 4
Element at position 1 is Bye
List does not contain X
Position of the word Akash is 3
Last Position of the word Akash is 3
After removing Akash from the list 
Hi Bye Hello 


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
struct node {
        node<T>* next;
        node<T>* prev;
        T data;

template<typename T>
class DoublyLinkedList
        node<T>* first;
        node<T>* last;
        DoublyLinkedList<T>() {
                first = NULL;
                last = NULL;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void Print(){
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        cout<<curr->data<<" ";
                        curr = curr->next;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        void Add(T data) {
                if(first == NULL) {
                        // The list is empty
                        first = new node<T>;
                        first->data = data;
                        first->next = NULL;
                        first->prev = NULL;
                        last = first;
                else {
                        // The list isn't empty
                        if(last == first) {
                                // The list has one element
                                last = new node<T>;
                                last->data = data;
                                last->next = NULL;
                                last->prev = first;
                                first->next = last;
                        } else {
                                // The list has more than one element
                                node<T>* temp = new node<T>;
                                temp->data = data;
                                temp->next = NULL;
                                temp->prev = last;
                                last->next = temp;
                                last = temp;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        bool isEmpty(){
                if(this->first == NULL){
                        return true;
                return false;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        void Push(T data){
                if(first == NULL) {
                        // The list is empty
                        first = new node<T>;
                        first->data = data;
                        first->next = NULL;
                        first->prev = NULL;
                        node<T>* temp = new node<T>;
                        temp->data = data;
                        temp->next = first;
                        temp->prev = NULL;
                        first->prev = temp;
                        first = temp;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void InsertAt(T data, int pos){
                        node<T>* curr = first;
                        for(int i=1;i<pos-1;i++){
                                curr = curr->next;
                        node<T>* temp = new node<T>;
                        temp->data = data;
                        temp->next = curr->next;
                        temp->prev = curr;
                        curr->next->prev = temp;
                        curr->next = temp;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        void Clear(){
                this->first = NULL;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        bool Contains(T data){
                node<T>* curr = first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        if(curr->data == data){
                                return true;
                        curr = curr->next;
                return false;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)

        T get(int index) {
                if(index == 0) {
                        // Get the first element
                        return this->first->data;
                } else {
                        // Get the index'th element
                        node<T>* curr = this->first;
                        for(int i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
                                curr = curr->next;
                        return curr->data;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        int IndexOf(T data){
                int index = -1;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        if(curr->data == data){
                                return index+1;
                        curr = curr->next;
                return -1;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        int LastOf(T data){
                int index = 0;
                int ans = -1;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        if(curr->data == data){
                                ans = index;
                        curr = curr->next;
                return ans;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(1)
        // BIG O = O(1)
        void Remove(){
                this->last = last->prev;
                last->next = NULL;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void RemoveAt(int pos){
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                node<T>* prev = NULL;
                        first = first->next;
                        for(int i=1;i<pos;i++){
                                prev = curr;
                                curr = curr->next;
                                last = last->prev;
                                last->next = NULL;
                                curr->next->prev = prev;
                                prev->next = curr->next;
        // OMEGA = Ω(1)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        void RemoveElement(T data){
                if(first->data == data){
                        first = first->next;
                        node<T>* curr = this->first;
                        node<T>* prev = NULL;
                        while(curr != NULL){
                                prev = curr;
                                curr = curr->next;
                                if(curr->data == data){
                                                last = last->prev;
                                                last->next = NULL;
                                                curr->next->prev = prev;
                                                prev->next = curr->next;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        int Size(){
                int cnt = 0;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                while(curr != NULL){
                        curr = curr->next;
                return cnt;
        // OMEGA = Ω(n)
        // THETA = Θ(n)
        // BIG O = O(n)
        node<T>* Slice(int start,int end){
                int l = end - start + 1;
                node<T>* curr = this->first;
                for(int i=1;i<start;i++){
                        curr = curr->next;
                return curr;


int main() {
        DoublyLinkedList<std::string> list;
                cout<<"List is Empty "<<endl;
                cout<<"List is not empty"<<endl;
        cout<<"Size = "<<list.Size()<<endl;
        cout<<"Element at position 1 is "<<list.get(1)<<endl;
                cout<<"List contains X"<<endl;
                cout<<"List does not contain X"<<endl;
        cout<<"Position of the word Akash is "<<list.IndexOf("Akash")<<endl;
        cout<<"Last Position of the word Akash is "<<list.LastOf("Akash")<<endl;
        cout<<"After removing Akash from the list "<<endl;
        return 0;


Hello Hi 
Hello Bye Hi 
Hello Bye Hi Akash 
List is not empty
Size = 4
Element at position 1 is Bye
List does not contain X
Position of the word Akash is 3
Last Position of the word Akash is 3
After removing Akash from the list 
Hello Bye Hi

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