
In: Operations Management

ections: Refer to Figure 8.3 Dictionary Arrangement of Subjects to file/retrieve the following records. In the...


  1. Refer to Figure 8.3 Dictionary Arrangement of Subjects to file/retrieve the following records.
  2. In the table below figure 8.3, indicate where each record would be located by keying the complete folder label caption in the File Under column. Key the captions in all caps, as shown in the figure.
  3. If more than one subject location is possible, list other subjects that should be used for cross-referencing in the Cross-Reference column.

Figure 8.3

Record File Under Cross-Reference
1 A new manual for the air-conditioning system
2 A report from a recent workflow efficiency study
3 A job application from Anthony Timmons
4 A letter from an office products vendor about filing supplies
5 A notice of price change on an order you have placed for filing cabinets
6 Last month's sales report
7 A memo about the date that the records audit will begin
8 Weekly time sheets for Records and Information Department employees
9 Vacation schedules for the Accounting Department
10 A price quote from a lawn and garden center to landscape a recreational area


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1. A new manual for the air-conditioning system


2. A report from a recent workflow efficiency study


3. A job application from Anthony Timmons


4. A letter from an office products vendor about filing supplies


5. A notice of price change on an order you have placed for filing cabinets


6. Last month’s sales report

Filed Under: SALES

7. A memo about the date that the records audit will begin


8. Weekly time sheets for Records and Information Department employees

Filed Under: TIME SHEETS

9. Vacation schedules for the Accounting Department


10. A price quote from a lawn and garden center to landscape a recreational area Filed Under: LANDSCAPING DESIGNS  

There's no need for cross-reference since only one is possible for each example.

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