
In: Computer Science

Give an input file of student records in the following format: <name>#<SID>#<major>#<GPA> Smith Eugene#A9S65A#Chemistry#2.50 Brown Ezra#T56G0M#Business...

Give an input file of student records in the following format:


Smith Eugene#A9S65A#Chemistry#2.50
Brown Ezra#T56G0M#Business Administration#1.36
Brown Ferman#PI56T4#Accounting#2.68
Chavis Ertle#7HS56#Chemistry#3.00
Strickland DiChildersa#TWH54F#Business Administration#2.00
Stone Clark#BN78N3W#English#4.00
Childers Evelyn#U8M8N2#Criminal Justice#2.73
Stone Desmond#JHD9K2#Computer Science#3.23

Write a Java application to process the input file of student information. Design your solution using classes for student, student Database, and a driver class. Your application should output the average GPA and display the student list in the descending order of their GPA.


Expert Solution

This Java application was done using Eclipse IDE Version: 2020-09 (4.17.0)

To create a new Java Application:

1. Open Eclipse IDE

2. Select a directory as workspace -> Click “Launch”

3. Click “File -> New -> Java Project”

4. In “New Java Project” dialog box, Enter the Project name as “StudentDatabaseProject” -> Click “Finish”

5. In “New” dialog box, Click “Don’t Create”.

A new Java Project “StudentDatabaseProject” will be created

6. Right-click on “src” -> New -> Package

7. In “New Java Package” dialog box, Enter Name as Project -> Click Finish

8. Right-click on “Project” -> New -> Class

9. In “New Java Class” dialog box, Enter Name as “Driver” -> Click Finish

10. Right-click on “Project” -> New -> Class

11. In “New Java Class” dialog box, Enter Name as “Student” -> Click Finish

12. Right-click on “Project” -> New -> Class

13. In “New Java Class” dialog box, Enter Name as “StudentDatabase” -> Click Finish

Add the following code:

package Project;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

// The program starts here
public class Driver {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
                // Add the path of your .txt file here
                File file = new File("D:\\StudentDB.txt");
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(file);
            // A StudentDatabase object is created
            StudentDatabase sd1 = new StudentDatabase();
            // Reads each line in the .txt file
            while (sc.hasNextLine()){
                String inputEachLine = sc.nextLine(); // Holds each line
                // Each line is split with '#' and the value is stored in studInput of type String[]
                String[] studInput = inputEachLine.split("#"); 
                if(!studInput[3].equals("<GPA>")) { //This ignores the first line
                        // Student object is created for each value
                        Student s1 = new Student(studInput[0], studInput[1], studInput[2], Double.parseDouble(studInput[3]));
                        // Each Student Object is added to StudentDatabase
            // Calls the averageGPA method in StudentDatabase to get the average of all the student's GPA
            System.out.println("The average GPA of students is " + sd1.averageGPA() + "\n");
            // Gets the student's details of type Student object in a list by calling the method sortDescending in StudentDatabase
            List<Student> DescendingList= sd1.sortDescending();
            // Each student detail is printed in descending order of their GPA
            System.out.println("Student list is diplayed in descending order.");
        for(int i = 0; i < DescendingList.size(); i++) {
                System.out.println("Student {" + "name = " + DescendingList.get(i).getName() +
                                ", SID = " + DescendingList.get(i).getSID() + 
                                ", major = " + DescendingList.get(i).getMajor() + 
                                ", GPA = " + DescendingList.get(i).getGPA() + '}');

package Project;
// Student class
public class Student {
        // Instance Private Variables name, SID, major and GPA
    private String name;
    private String SID;
    private String major;
    private double GPA;
    // Constructor Declaration of Student Class with parameters String name, String SID, String major, double GPA
    public Student(String name, String SID, String major, double GPA)
    { = name;
        this.SID = SID;
        this.major = major;
        this.GPA = GPA;
    // Getter and Setter methods of the variables
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getSID() {
        return SID;

    public void setSID(String SID) {
        this.SID = SID;

    public String getMajor() {
        return major;

    public void setMajor(String major) {
        this.major = major;

    public double getGPA() {
        return GPA;

    public void setGPA(double GPA) {
        this.GPA = GPA;

package Project;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// StudentDatabase Class
public class StudentDatabase {
        // Instance Private Variables studObject
        private List<Student> studObject;
        // Constructor Declaration of StudentDatabase Class
    public StudentDatabase() {
        this.studObject = new ArrayList<>();
    // addStudObject with paramter studObj of type Student adds each object to the studObject instance variable
    public void addStudObject(Student studObj){
    // averageGPA() finds the average of all the student's GPA in the studObject List
    public double averageGPA(){
        double sum = 0.0;
        for(int i = 0; i < this.studObject.size(); i++){
            sum += this.studObject.get(i).getGPA();
        return sum / this.studObject.size();
    // sortDescending() sorts the values in studObject List by descending order of their GPA
    public List<Student> sortDescending(){
        for(int i = 0 ; i < this.studObject.size(); i++)
            for(int j = i+1 ; j< this.studObject.size();j++)
                if(this.studObject.get(i).getGPA() < this.studObject.get(j).getGPA())
                    Student temp = this.studObject.get(i);
                    this.studObject.set(i, this.studObject.get(j));
                    this.studObject.set(j, temp);
        return this.studObject;


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