
In: Operations Management

Discuss how can link or relate the key elements of motivation with Social Learning Theory

Discuss how can link or relate the key elements of motivation with Social Learning Theory


Expert Solution

Discuss how can link or relate the key elements of motivation with Social Learning Theory.

The 4 parts or elements of Social learning are:

· Observational Learning: The observation suggests how the tusk is best done which means deep attention of the person and process has to be given. Hence the opportunity to give feedback is there along with motivation like a prize and distinguishing the observation for all to learn.

· Reciprocal Determination: The learning is influenced by the environment in which it is conducted. The positive learning environment is a big factor in the Hygiene theory and also thus contributes to the staff motivation from the culture of the business.

· Self Regulation: When one has to set no goals for the employees to get the job done is best for the motivation. The employees know what the job is and do it accordingly with the utmost motivation.

· Self-Efficiency: The people are confident about the job they are hired for and dose with utmost efficiency. This is a motivation in itself where people find it good to perform the role.

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