
In: Computer Science

Does lotus cleaning technology work Other than self-cleaning ؟ I mean, can I make a lotus...

Does lotus cleaning technology work Other than self-cleaning ؟ I mean, can I make a lotus broom that extracts dust from the screens?

Lotus technology


Expert Solution

In the lotus flower we observed a water repellent and self cleaning effect known as lotus effect. It's because the hydrophobic character of the flower.
This effect has been studied for several years and this technology was developed having similar characteristics. Lotus plant it also allows to slide the dust so that the leave can be dry as well as it will be free from bacteria even if the plant is in polluted water.

We developed Technology known as lotus technology which has similar working like lotus plant. It is useful in paints for protecting walls and also so useful to antibacterial surface. We mostly try lotus effect in tiles, fabrics, flors, paints etc. These all have self cleaning properties.

So basically lotus cleaning Technology as the name suggests will only work self cleaning. It's not that you can make a broom to extract dust from screens. This will simply violate the basic principle of this technology. This may be developed in the future. Currently we are having other Technology that can extract dust from screen. So lotus technology in something different it's made for a different purpose.

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