
In: Physics

1. A damped driven harmonic oscillator with m=12 kg, k=280 N/m, and b=75 kg/sis subjected to...

1. A damped driven harmonic oscillator with m=12 kg, k=280 N/m, and b=75 kg/sis subjected to a driving force given by F(t) = F0cos(ωt), where F0=55 N.

a) What value of ω results in steady-state oscillations with maximum amplitude?

b) What is the maximum amplitude?

c) What is the phase angle?

2. An undamped, driven harmonic oscillator satisfies the equation of motion

where the driving force is switched on at t=0.

a) Assuming a solution of the form x(t) = A(ω)sin(ωt-δ), find expressions for the amplitude A(ω) and the phase angle δ.


Expert Solution

1. I will try to find out the angular frequency



The value of for steady-state oscillations with maximum amplitude is given by


b) the amplitude is given by

hence the maximum amplitude is given by


c) the phase angle is given by


2. The equation for an undamped, driven oscilator is


if we assume a solution




substituting (2) and (3) into (1) we get


now, using the trigonometric identity,

into (4), we get


from (5), we obtain




the above equation implies,



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