
In: Operations Management

What is the main (mandatory) things that should be in scrum project? how we count that...

What is the main (mandatory) things that should be in scrum project? how we count that the project is implement scrum successfully, describe everything in details  


Expert Solution

1) The main parts of the Scrum Project that are helpful in traditional Project Management are:

  • Quick delivery of product = The Scrum adopts practical approach in product development accepting that its difficult to undersatnd all the requirements from customer in the beginning. Thus, quick product delivery can help to adjust and accomodate the changes
  • Daily Scrum Meeting = It call for daily short meeting of the team to discuss the actions completed till yesterday and plans for today. This ensures that everyone is aware and updated
  • Working in a team = It calls for cross functional team formation and working together rather in a Silos. So, it helps in better collaboration
  • Holistic development = Scrum follow holistic approach to product developement and all processes go in parallel in contrary to sequential approach in traditional project management


  • It will help in providing flexibility in project management
  • It encourages team work
  • Helps to bind the group together
  • It enhance morale & motivation of people
  • The changes can be easily adjusted
  • Higher level of customer satisfaction

2) Cultural characteristics needing change to implement Scrum:

  • Openness = In my organization, the project team involved in different phases work in isolation. It is very important to bring in openness and transparency in system
  • Commitment = The entire team should have commitment to complete the project on time.
  • Flexibility = In current approach, it becomes difficult to adopt the changes in project requirement. Thus, to make a flexible system, it is very important to make people realize that changes will happen frequently
  • Stretched goals = In order to cut short the project deliverable timeline, the goals must be stretched and strictly adhered to in order to timely complete
  • Morale building of team is also very important to help them adjust and accept the frequent changes in project.

Good Luck and God Bless :)

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