In: Physics
A single point charge +Q is at the center of a thin spherical
sheet that carries a net charge of – 3Q and has a radius of a. Your
goal is to calculate the electric field at a distance r away from
the center of the spherical sheet.
(A) Draw the situation below. Represent a in your diagram. You
should NOT have r in your diagram.
(B) Use Gauss’s law to calculate the electric field when r < a
(i.e., inside the spherical sheet). a. What surface should you use
in order to do this? Draw this surface on your diagram above. b.
Use Gauss’s law to calculate the electric field inside the
spherical shell.
(C) Use Gauss’s law to calculate the electric field when r > a
(i.e., outside the spherical shell) a. What surface should you use
in order to do this. Draw this surface on the diagram above. b. Use
Gauss’s law to calculate the electric field outside the spherical
(D) On the coordinate axes below, plot the electric field magnitude
as a function of r. Hint: The electric field is a piece-wise
defined function with different expressions in different
We will choose a spherical surface of radius "r" such that r < a
Qenc = Charge enclosed by the gaussian spherical surface = Q
A = Area of the gaussian surface = 4r2
Using Gauss's law
We will choose a spherical surface of radius "r" such that r > a
Qenc = Charge enclosed by the gaussian spherical surface = |Q - 3Q| = 2 Q
A = Area of the gaussian surface = 4r2
Using Gauss's law