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Marketing management question: Explain briefly the following concepts: short answer Product mix width Product mix length...

Marketing management question:

Explain briefly the following concepts: short answer

Product mix width

Product mix length

Product line depth



Expert Solution

'Product mix' is the term used to describe all products a particular seller offers for sale. The products may be related to each other in terms of usage or application and such related products form a product line.

A product mix width refers to the number of product lines offered by a seller to the customers. For example if a company provides products in the fields of skincare, haircare, lip care, and deodorants, the product line width of the company is four.

Product mix length is the total number of items a company has in different product lines of the mix. If the company has 3 product lines and 5 items in each product line, the product mix length is 15.

Product mix depth refers to the number of variants of each product offered in the product mix. For example if a tea company provides three varieties of tea in two different sizes, then the product mix depth is 6.

Consistency refers to the close relatedness of different product lines in terms of end-users, production systems, distribution channels or some other way. For example, the product mix of a company is told to be consistent when the product lines use the same distribution channels. It is said to be less consistent if the product lines are used for different functions by the customers.

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