What is the dc gain of a filter with difference equation ?[?] = ?[?] + ?[?...

What is the dc gain of a filter with difference equation ?[?] = ?[?] + ?[? − 1]? Show your work.

A DT system has frequency response ?(? ??) = 2 (1 − 0.5? −?? ⁄ ). Calculate the magnitude of the frequency response at an input frequency of 2.2 radians.

A DT system has a difference equation ?[?] = 2?[? − 1] + ?[?] − 0.5?[? − 2]. What are the a and b coefficient arrays in the MATLAB filter function?

A periodic DT signal ?[?] = {2, −1, −2, k} (one period shown) has an average power of 9⁄2. What is the numeric value of ??

In: Electrical Engineering

Used to determine the stability of a system by examining the characteristic equation of the transfer...

Used to determine the stability of a system by examining the characteristic equation of the transfer function. States that the number of roots of the characteristic equation with positive real parts is equal to the number of changes of sign of the coefficients in the first column of the array.

  • A. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

  • B. Polar plot

  • C. Logarithmic plot

  • D. Bode plot

In: Electrical Engineering

Name one method to eliminate Image Frequency problems. Direct Conversion Receivers are used to receive FM...

  1. Name one method to eliminate Image Frequency problems.
  1. Direct Conversion Receivers are used to receive FM broadcasts. True or False
  1. Noise is directly proportional to…and…
  1. If your signal is 5 uV and the noise is 0.9 uV, what is the S/N Ratio?
  1. What is the open circuit noise voltage across a 100 kΩ resistor over the frequency range of DC to 20 Hz at 250C?

In: Electrical Engineering

Kit Requirements: Arduino Uno Small breadboard Jumper wires 10kΩ potentiometer 10kΩ resistor (x2) 220Ω resistor (x3)...

Kit Requirements:

  • Arduino Uno
  • Small breadboard
  • Jumper wires
  • 10kΩ potentiometer
  • 10kΩ resistor (x2)
  • 220Ω resistor (x3)
  • USB cable
  • Photoresistor
  • TMP36 temperature sensor
  • Digital Multimeter

Lab 3a:


·         Watch the videos:

o   Tutorial 03 for Arduino: Electrical Engineering Basics(

o   Tutorial 04 for Arduino: Analog Inputs (

o   TechBits 13 - Analog and Digital Signals (

·         Construct the breadboard circuit and implement the program presented in the video to create an adaptable night light and detailed in Chapter 2 (pp.35-39) of your textbook.

Lab 3b:


This week’s lab will simulate the coffee maker heater functionality we saw in Week 1. The difference in our program and the actual coffee maker is that instead of turning on a heating element, our program will blink an LED.

·         Design a circuit and Arduino program that expands the concepts explained in Chapter 3 ( pp. 52- 59) of your textbook and accomplishes the following:

o   Blinks an LED when the temperature of a temperature sensor is at or below room temperature for more than 5 seconds

o   If the temperature exceeds room temperature for more than 5 seconds, the LED will turn off.


In: Electrical Engineering

Explain with the aid of diagrams, the operations involved in converting an analog wave form into...

Explain with the aid of diagrams, the operations involved in converting an analog wave form into a sequence of bits

In: Electrical Engineering

You are given the following components in a Light Sensor Circuit: Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) Bright...

You are given the following components in a Light Sensor Circuit:

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

Bright condition (500 lux)

Dark Condition (50 lux)

Resistance values (reference)

1 kΩ

5 kΩ

Light Emitting Diode (LED)

Turn on Voltage Rating

Turn on Current Rating

Characteristics (White)

4.0 V

20 mA

Your goal is to design a light sensor circuit which turns on the LED when it is in a dark room, and turn off the LED when the room is lit. The LDR has a resistance value which changes according to the presence of light in the room, as shown in the first table. The LED turns on when it is given the voltage and current rating in the second table.

In: Electrical Engineering

4. Use generate statement to write VHDL code for a 16 bit adder assuming the only...

4. Use generate statement to write VHDL code for a 16 bit adder assuming the only available building block is a full adder. Thank

In: Electrical Engineering

I am trying to create an 8-bit random number generator in verilog code using a mux,...

I am trying to create an 8-bit random number generator in verilog code using a mux, a d flip flop and a LFSR not sure what I am doing wrong but need some help with getting it working properly any help would be greatly appreciated.

here is what I have so far:

module RNG #(parameter size=8)(output [7:0]SO,output [7:0] RN,input clk,rst,input[size-1:0]seed,input L);
   wire [7:0] Sin=SO[7]^SO[5]^SO[4]^SO[3];
   ffw F1 (SO,clk,rst,Sin);
   MUX M1 (Sin,seed,{SO[size-2:0],next},L);
   xor X1 (next,SO[6],SO[7]);
   assign RN=next;
module ffw #(parameter size=8)(output reg [size-1:0]SO,input clk,rst,input [size-1:0] Sin);
   always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
// input A1 = Seed, input B0 =Sin ,L=SEL,
module MUX #(parameter size=8)(output[size-1:0]SO,input[size-1:0]Sin,seed,input L);
   assign SO = (L) ? Sin:seed;
module RNG_TB();
   reg clk;
   reg rst,L;
   wire [7:0] SO;
   reg [7:0] seed;
   wire [7:0] RN;
   integer x;
   RNG RN1 (SO,RN,clk,rst,seed,L);
   initial begin
       x=0; clk=0; rst=1; L=0; #5;
       rst=0; L=0; seed=255; #5;
       rst=0; L=1; seed=255; clk=1; #5
       repeat (10) begin
           clk = ~clk; #10;
           clk = ~clk; #10;

In: Electrical Engineering

(a) Chau’s electric circuit is a simple electronic circuit that can exhibit chaotic behaviour. The voltages...

(a) Chau’s electric circuit is a simple electronic circuit that can exhibit chaotic behaviour. The voltages x(t) and y(t), and current z(t), across components in the circuit can be investigated using the Matlab command

[t,xyz] = ode45(@ChuaFunction,[-10 100],[0.7 0.2 0.3]);

and the function:

1 function dxyzdt = ChuaFunction(~,xyz)

2 % xyz(1) = X, xyz(2) = Y, xyz(3) = Z

3 4 dxdt = 15.6*(xyz(2) - xyz(1) + 2*tanh(xyz(1)));

5 dydt = xyz(1) - xyz(2) + xyz(3);

6 dzdt = -28*xyz(2); 7

8 dxyzdt = [dxdt dydt dzdt]’;

9 end

(i) What is the differential equation involving x˙(t)? Here a dot represents differentiation with respect to time t.

(ii) What is the initial condition for the variable y(t)?

(iii) What does the apostrophe after the square brackets in line 8 of the function signify and why is the apostrophe needed here?

(b) For a given function u(t), explain how the derivative of u(t) with respect to t can be approximated on a uniform grid with grid spacing ∆t, using the one-sided forward difference approximation

du/dt ≈ Ui+1 − Ui/ ∆t ,

where ui = u(ti). You should include a suitable diagram explaining your answer

(c) Using the one-sided forward difference approximation from part (b) and Euler’s method, calculate the approximate solution to the initial value problem

du/dt + t cos(u) = 0, subject to u(0) = −0.2,

at t = 0.4, on a uniform grid with spacing ∆t = 0.1.

In: Electrical Engineering

Q2-B) Answer the followings: I. Identify the addressing mode for Two of the following instructions: SBB...

Q2-B) Answer the followings:
I. Identify the addressing mode for Two of the following instructions:
II. True or False and why correct the false one:
1- A 20-bit address bus sports 20,000 memory addresses
2-A machine cycle refers to fetch an instruction
3-A memory with 256 addresses has 256 address lines

I want the answer in 45 minutes

In: Electrical Engineering

Please write and solve one question about ideal transformer (parametric). Also, please write and solve one...

Please write and solve one question about ideal transformer (parametric). Also, please write and solve one more question about a real transformer (numerical). You can get help from the Electric Machinery. A.E. Fitzgerald book. (Add approximations if any) I'm waiting for two questions with answers to learn transformers in detail.

In: Electrical Engineering

I am in this electrical engineering project course in which an assignment is asking me this...

I am in this electrical engineering project course in which an assignment is asking me this and I cannot make heads or tails of what it means by this...

Discuss the tradeoffs involved between using patents and trade secrets to protect intellectual property.

Please be as descriptive as possible,


In: Electrical Engineering

considering the measurement of liquid level, explain with the aid of a diagram the principle by...

considering the measurement of liquid level, explain with the aid of a diagram the principle by which the ultrasonic liquid level gauge operates

In: Electrical Engineering

A resonant loop antenna of closely spaced 8 turns is operating at 100 MHz. The radius...

A resonant loop antenna of closely spaced 8 turns is operating at 100 MHz. The radius of the loop
is λ/20, and the loop is connected to a 75-Ω transmission line. The radius of the wire is λ/300, its
conductivity σ = 5.7 × 107 S/m, and the spacing between the turns is 3λ/250. Find the radiation
efficiency of the antenna, while taking into account the proximity effects of the turns.

In: Electrical Engineering

A rocket is launched straight into the air with initial velocity 200 ft/s. Assume the launch...

  1. A rocket is launched straight into the air with initial velocity 200 ft/s. Assume the launch is instantaneous. How high will it go, and how long will that take (use time increments of 0.01 seconds)? G= - 32.2 ft/s2 , H0=0 (the ground)

V(t)=V0 + g t

H(t)= H0 + V0 t + ½ g t2

The rocket deploys a parachute after 9 seconds and descends at a constant rate of 20 ft/sec. How long does it take to reach the ground?write that by matlab program only

Plot the velocity and the height as functions of time on a single plot. Fully format the figure.

By matlab program please

In: Electrical Engineering