please solve it and thank you converting 220v Ac to 12V DC : 1. Design specification...

please solve it and thank you

converting 220v Ac to 12V DC :

1. Design specification

2. Specification of each of the component used in the project

3. Transformers, Step-down transformer, transformer ac input/ ac output specifications

4. Rectifier (forward and reverse biasing diode, half wave rectifier, full wave recifier)

5. Peak Inverse Voltage, Calculation of Peak inverse voltage

6. Filter capacitor

7. Unregulated Power Supply

8. Voltage regulation using an IC 7812

9. Percent regulation with Zener diode and 7812

10. Comparison of design specification with actual result.

In: Electrical Engineering

Consider two identical generating units with equal (4 %) speed-droop that operate in parallel in accordance...

Consider two identical generating units with equal (4 %) speed-droop that operate in parallel

in accordance with the frequency-load characteristics as shown below.

(a) If both units are set to operate on curve A and the total load is equal to 100 % of the rating

of one unit, what percentage of rated kW output is each unit supplying and what is the

frequency of the common busbar?

(b) Repeat (a) if the total load is equal to 200 % of the rating of one unit.

(c) If one unit is set to operate on curve B (while the other remains operating on curve A) and

the total load is equal to 100 % of the rating of one unit, what percentage of rated kW

output is each unit supplying and what is the frequency of the common busbar?

(d) Repeat (c) if the total load is equal to 150 % of the rating of one unit? How would you

characterize operation with any further increase in total load?.

          Frequency                       Generator Rated Load %

A         106-102                                       100

B         104-100                                        100

In: Electrical Engineering

4. a) Distinguish between adaptive Huffman coding and Adaptive Arithmetic coding in terms of adaptation rate....

4. a) Distinguish between adaptive Huffman coding and Adaptive Arithmetic coding in terms of adaptation rate.

b) Describe how quick changes are adapted and prevented in each method for source statistics? Explain in elaborate?

In: Electrical Engineering

A bandpass FIR filter, of length nine (nine coefficients) is required. It is to have lower...

A bandpass FIR filter, of length nine (nine coefficients) is required. It is to
have lower and upper cut-off frequencies of 3 and 6 kHz respectively and is
intended to be used with a sampling frequency of 20 kHz. Find the filter
coefficients using the Fourier method with a rectangular window.

In: Electrical Engineering

1.) How would you calibrate a vacuum pressure sensor – draw out a picture and use...

1.) How would you calibrate a vacuum pressure sensor – draw out a picture and use real devices (Name and model number) in your answer.

In: Electrical Engineering

2. A digital signal processing system with analog audio signal input in the range of 0-20...

2. A digital signal processing system with analog audio signal input in the range of 0-20 Khz uses oversampling techniques and a second order sigma delta modulator to convert the analog signal into a digital bit stream at a rate of 3.072 Mhz.

i) Explain how the digital bit stream may be converted in to a digital multibit stream for x(n).

ii) Determine the overall improvement in signal to quantization noise ratio made possible by oversampling and noise shaping and hence estimate the effective resolution in bits of the digitizer                                                                                                  

In: Electrical Engineering

From calculus, you know that the derivative and integral are inverse operations; one undoes the effect...

From calculus, you know that the derivative and integral are inverse operations; one undoes the effect of the other. Prove that the first difference and the running sum are also inverse operations. That is, show that the cascade of these two systems is identical to the delta function. Explain in detail?

In: Electrical Engineering

I want the code for the 2D Ising model using Matlab

I want the code for the 2D Ising model using Matlab

In: Electrical Engineering

Please TYPE approximately 300 words discussing the following: List and describe various features of electronic systems....

Please TYPE approximately 300 words discussing the following:

List and describe various features of electronic systems.

List and discuss the steps in designing an embedded system.

In: Electrical Engineering

Concepts & Principles of Engineering Management Q1. Name and explain the elements of motivation. Q2. What...

Concepts & Principles of Engineering Management

Q1. Name and explain the elements of motivation.

Q2. What is the difference between self-efficacy and self-esteem?

Q3. What are the purposes of interactive communication?

Q4. What are some of the physical health concerns that have been linked to stress?

Q5. Describe, with example, the self-focused impression management techniques.

In: Electrical Engineering

Verilog counter problem: Using the attached 4-bit up-counter module and testbench as a template, write a...

Verilog counter problem:

Using the attached 4-bit up-counter module and testbench as a template, write a Verilog module that implements a certain 4-bit counter. The module should include two more input variables: “updown” and “count2”.

If “updown” is 1, the circuit should count up (by 1s); if it is 0 it should count down (by 1s).

If “count2” has a value of 1, the circuit should instead count up by 2s; otherwise it will have no effect (the circuit counts normally up or down by 1s).

(Hint: use “if” and “else if” statements. After checking the “Resetn” value, check the value of “count2”).

Simulate the module in EDA Playground. In the testbench, use the following input signals:

    Clock = 0;                       // initial value

    updown = 1;                  // initially count up

    count2 = 0;                    // count-by-2 disabled

    Resetn = 0;                    // reset active

    En = 1;                                           // enable active


    Resetn = 1;                    // reset disabled


    updown = 0;                  // count down


    count2 = 1;                    // count-up-by-2 enabled


In: Electrical Engineering

Resolve Example 6.20, except with the generation at bus 2 set to a fixed value (i.e.,...

Resolve Example 6.20, except with the generation at bus 2 set to a fixed value (i.e., modeled as off of AGC). Plot the variation in the total hourly cost as the generation at bus 2 is varied between 0 to 200 MW in 5-MW steps, resolving the economic dispatch at each step. What is the relationship between bus 2 generation at the minimum point on this plot and the value from economic dispatch in Example 6.20? Assume a load scalar of 1.0

Example 6.20: PowerWorld Simulator case Example 6_20 uses a five-bus, three-generator lossless case to show the interaction between economic dispatch and the transmission system (see Figure 6.19). The variable operating costs for each of the units are given by C1 = 10P1 + 0.016P 1 Square $yhr C2 =8P2 + 0.018P2 Square $yhr C4 = 12P4 + 0.018P 4 Square $yhr where P1, P2, and P4 are the generator outputs in megawatts. Each generator has minimum/maximum limits of 100 <=P1 <=400 MW 150 <=P2 <= 500 MW 50 <= P4 <=300 MW In addition to solving the power flow equations, PowerWorld Simulator can simultaneously solve the economic dispatch problem to optimally allocate the generation in an area. To turn on this option, select Case Information, Aggregation,
Areas… to view a list of each of the control areas in a case (just one in this example). Then toggle the AGC Status field to ED. Now anytime the power flow equations are solved, the generator outputs are also changed using the economic dispatchInitially, the case has a total load of 392 MW with an economic dispatch of P1 =141 MW, P2 = 181, and P4 = 70, and an incremental operating cost, l, of 14.52 $?MWh. To view a graph showing the incremental cost curves for all of the area generators, right-click on any generator to display the generator’s local menu, and then select All Area Gen IC Curves (right-click on the graph’s axes to change their scaling). To see how changing the load impacts the economic dispatch and power flow solutions, first select Tools, Play to begin the simulation. Then, on the oneline, click on the up/down arrows next to the Load Scalar field. This field is used to scale the load at each bus in the system. Notice that the change in the Total Hourly Cost field is well approximated by the change in the load multiplied by the incremental operating cost. Determine the maximum amount of load this system can supply without overloading any transmission line with the generators dispatched using economic dispatch.

In: Electrical Engineering

You are designing a satellite communications system with the following parameters: Satellite parabolic antenna has a...

You are designing a satellite communications system with the following parameters:

Satellite parabolic antenna has a diameter of 1 meter

Earth Station parabolic antenna has a diameter of 2.5 meters

Operating frequency of the system is 4 GHz

Transmission system bandwidth of 106 Hz

Satellite transmitter power of 10 watts

Assume earth receiver operating at room temperature (294 kelvin)

a. What is the maximum distance the satellite can be from earth, in kilometers, so that the SNRdb at the earth station is no less that 0db?

b. The ideal (non noise) maximum data rate for this channel is?

c. The maximum data rate with consideration for noise on this channel is?

In: Electrical Engineering

In Matlab, Design a model for a bandpass filter with a bandwidth of 4000 Hz, and...

In Matlab, Design a model for a bandpass filter with a bandwidth of 4000 Hz, and a center frequency as specied below. Once you have the model, it is easy to programmatically change the center frequency.

center frequency: 20 KHz, 24.5 KHz, 29 KHz, 33.5 KHz, 38 KHz, 42.5 KHz, 47 KHz

In: Electrical Engineering

In Matlab, Design a model for a bandpass filter with a bandwidth of 4000 Hz, and...

In Matlab, Design a model for a bandpass filter with a bandwidth of 4000 Hz, and a center frequency as specied below. Once you have the model, it is easy to programmatically change the center frequency.

center frequency: 20 KHz, 24.5 KHz, 29 KHz, 33.5 KHz, 38 KHz, 42.5 KHz, 47 KHz

In: Electrical Engineering