Consider the following discrete memoryless channel: Y = X + Z, where Pr{Z = 0} = Pr{Z = a} = 1/2 and the alphabet for x is {0, 1}. Assume that Z is independent of X.
a) Find the capacity of the channel in terms of a.
b) Explain how capacity is affected by a in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
In: Electrical Engineering
Create a counter that continuously counts odd numbers backwards (i.e from ‘F’ to ‘0’) and display it on 7-sd by using the Verilog code.
On this part, you are required to use the clock from the FPGA board. However, the clock frequency is 100 MHz, and it is too fast to be used (10 ?s). Thus, we need to derive a slower clock with a speed of almost 1 s, which the frequency of it is 1 Hz. This process is called clock division.
MY FPGA is BASYS 3 and program must be written in verilog. Could you please help me? At least write the design code.
If you help me, I will be the happiest person in the world.
In: Electrical Engineering
Arduino code , using DS3231 library to set time/ date by keypad and print that on lcd. i would like to make user to set time and date from the keypad .
In: Electrical Engineering
question 4. For each of the f0 frequencies in Problem 3(c), construct a sinusoidal signal that is turned on at t = 0 and sampled at 100,000/ 2? Hz over the interval ?0.5 ? t ? 0.5 . Again, using Matlab’s convolution command, determine the amplitude and phase (relative to the input) of the response of the filter. Ignoring edges of output that are subject to numerical artifacts. Compare and contrast your answers to those obtained in Problem 3(c).
previous question #3
3. Suppose the transfer function of a low-pass filter with frequency specified in cyclic frequency f is given by H ( f ) = 100/ (100 +i2? f ):
a. Manually find and sketch the amplitude and phase spectra (on regular, non-log scale) of the transfer function.
b. If the input to the filter is x(t) = Acos (2? f0t), derive the general expression of the output. (Hint: use Fourier convolution theorem.)
c. Find the specific expressions for the outputs for f0 = 10/ 2? , 100/ 2? , 1,000/ 2? , and 10,000/ 2? Hz. (You may use a calculator or Matlab for the computation.)
In: Electrical Engineering
compare and contrast NPN, PNP, and inverting schmitt amplifiers
In: Electrical Engineering
Design this Optimum Horn Antenna given,
X-band, WR-90(waveguide), Gain = 20dBi, and F = 10GHz
In: Electrical Engineering
What is the description of Intel 8051? what is the microprocessor data and address bus width of Intel 8051? i need a deep explanation for both atleast 2 paragraphs for each question.
In: Electrical Engineering
By going online, obtain a high-res SEM pic of a MEMS device and write a brief description for it.
In: Electrical Engineering
Design a FIR filter directly using fir1 function in matlab with parameter M = 50.
Design FIR filters with different M = 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and plot their frequency responses H(e j?) on the same figure.
In: Electrical Engineering
what is recombination via R-G center?
In: Electrical Engineering
Define the meaning of the "Probability of error" and the "Bit Error Rate(BER). Briefly describe their relationship.
In: Electrical Engineering
Define cost analysis on a off grid PV system (mini grid). Use necessary equations required on the summary. Write up of 10pages.
In: Electrical Engineering
Make a write up on half stepper sequence and full stepper sequence on stepper motor control. Differentiate the two, write a summary on findings or results. The motor is driven by TTL logic used to implement the controller. Use 555 timer to operate the controller at 3Hz. Write up to be 6-10 pages
In: Electrical Engineering
Write a MATLAB function that will generate chi-square random variables with v degrees of freedom by generating v standard normal, squaring them and then adding them up. This uses the fact that is chi-square with v degrees of freedom. Generate some random variables and plot in a histogram. The degrees of freedom should be an input argument set by the user.
In: Electrical Engineering
You are using a poorly constructed 4-bit natural binary-coded absolute encoder and observe that, as the encoder rotates through the single step from code 3 to code 4, the encoder outputs several different and erroneous values. If misalignment between the photosensors and the code disk is the problem, what possible codes could result during the code 3-to-4 transition?
In: Electrical Engineering