In: Statistics and Probability
Dependent Variable: BVPS_FSC
Method: Least Squares
Date: 07/25/18 Time: 12:06
Sample (adjusted): 4/01/1998 4/01/2013
Included observations: 15 after adjustments
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 3.316771 5.621129 0.590054 0.5714
CET_FSC 0.013773 0.021733 0.633729 0.5439
CR_FSC 0.489317 3.034456 0.161254 0.8759
CTR_FSC 0.008914 0.008949 0.996106 0.3484
ROA_FSC -2.286163 1.433001 -1.595368 0.1493
ROE_FSC 0.759472 0.474621 1.600166 0.1482
ROI_FSC 0.261457 0.198688 1.315919 0.2247
R-squared 0.360769 Mean dependent var 6.687333
Adjusted R-squared -0.118654 S.D. dependent var 1.987921
S.E. of regression 2.102553 Akaike info criterion 4.628907
Sum squared resid 35.36584 Schwarz criterion 4.959330
Log likelihood -27.71680 Hannan-Quinn criter. 4.625387
F-statistic 0.752506 Durbin-Watson stat 0.637955
Prob(F-statistic) 0.625229
1. discuss in detail the above data
From given regression output, it is observed that the dependent variable is given as BVPS_FSC. The least square multiple linear regression model is used for the prediction of dependent variable. In this regression model, there are total six independent variables. The value for R squared or coefficient of determination is given as 0.36, which means about 36% of the variation in the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables. The F test statistic for this regression model is given as 0.7525 with the P-value as 0.6252. This P-value is greater than alpha value 0.05 or 5% level of significance, and therefore we conclude that this regression model is not statistically significant. This means we could not use this regression model for future use.
Now, let us see the significance of the coefficients of the independent variables and intercept in the given multiple linear regression model. The t-test for regression coefficient of intercept gives the P-value as 0.5714 which is greater than alpha value 0.05, so we conclude that the intercept for this regression model is not a statistically significant. The regression coefficients in the given regression outputs shows the P-values greater than the alpha value 0.05, therefore we conclude that all independent variables are not statistically significant. The post hoc Durbin Watson test also indicate that the given regression model is not statistically significant.
Overall, we concluded that the given multiple linear regression model is not useful for the future prediction of dependent variable BVPS_FSC based on the given six independent variables.