
In: Operations Management

organizational change essay using the article: changing the change rules at Google, and determine why they...

organizational change essay using the article: changing the change rules at Google, and determine why they were successful in changing their employees behavior in approximately 750 word essay, address the following:

evaluate what happens when change is not managed with an organization and what impact can it have on employees

identify ways change fatigue can b avoided in a organization where innovation and change is constant.

discuss who should be involved in change management strategies to ensure a greater success


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Evaluate what happens when change is not managed with an organization and what impact can it have on employees

Change management is the process that an HR department undertakes which allow them to be able to manage the employees during the time a change needs to occur in the working structure of the company. Their function is to successfully allow the employees to be free of their fear of change while essentially allowing the functioning of the core processes of the company to run as smoothly as possible. This is why change management is required in a company to be able to successfully mitigate through all the possible errors and factors that might cause a loss of productivity in the working of the company.

The consequences of not managing the people's side of this issue are that it would cause fear and resistance to change in the mind of the employees. Once that happens, it will become increasingly hard for the management to be able to successfully mitigate this problem. Also, a resistance to change will cause the company to lose their throughput and would become impossible for them to achieve the best possible outcome that is to be expected to form the change.

identify ways change fatigue can b avoided in a organization where innovation and change is constant.

Systematic approach to deal with changes in an organization's technology,goals or processes is known as Change Management.The changes can be structural and/or functional for an organization. Change does brings various new opportunities so its important that the organization is nimble enough to adapt. Following are some crucial aspects of change management:

  1. Have a clear vision about the change you want to see in the organization. Have a clear plan laid out and recognize resources and people that will help your transition to be smooth.
  2. Involve more people who have interest in implementing that change. Change should be led from the top down, so it’s important for management to be aligned in support. Everyone has different expectations, but there must be a high-level buy-in across the organization.
  3. Communication is one of the most important aspect of Change Management. Healthy communication helps you navigate through fears that change may induce.
  4. Resistance to any change is expected (law of inertia), so those resistance should be tackled wisely. New opportunities should be given to people and broaden their spectrum of knowledge in order to reduce hindrance.
  5. Risks are always associated with change (financial as well as emotional). Everyone should be encouraged to take risks in order to get rewards.
  6. Recognize every success and achievement as it is a reminder that you are moving in right direction.
  7. Change is an everlasting process and your ability to review and have an honest analysis towards it will determine success rate of that change. Repeat the positive aspects and try to minimize the negatives after every review.

Discuss who should be involved in change management strategies to ensure a greater success

Change is happening in your organization. Every day, new initiatives and projects are launched to improve performance, increase profits, and enhance your competitive advantage. You could be implementing technology to enable a more mobile workforce, reengineering a process to ensure regulatory compliance or pursuing an enterprise-wide transformation around customer experience.

Any business in today's fast-moving environment that is looking for the pace of change to slow is likely to be sorely disappointed. In fact, businesses should embrace change. Change is important for any organization because, without change, businesses would likely lose their competitive edge and fail to meet the needs of what most hope to be a growing base of loyal customers.

  • Technology

Without change, business leaders still would be dictating correspondence to secretaries, editing their words and sending them back to the drawing board, wasting time for all involved. Change that results from the adoption of new technology is common in most organizations and while it can be disruptive at first, ultimately the change tends to increase productivity and service Technology also has affected how we communicate.

  • Growth Opportunities

Change is important in organizations to allow employees to learn new skills, explore new opportunities and exercise their creativity in ways that ultimately benefit the organization through new ideas and increased commitment. Preparing employees to deal with these changes involves an analysis of the tools and training required to help them learn new skills.

  • Customer Requirement

Customer needs change and grow, creating new demand for new types of products and services and opening up new areas of opportunity for companies to meet those needs.

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