
In: Operations Management

“How good are you at preparing for and reaching for an interview? How do you think...

“How good are you at preparing for and reaching for an interview? How do you think you appear to other people in an important interaction?


Expert Solution

Preparing for and reaching for an interview is really a tough task. One needs to think over his goals and qualifications that are required for the job and the employer.

In case of myself, I have a master degree in business administration with a specialization in operation management. I have five years of experience in various industries and my goal is to be successful in every industry wherever I work. Whenever I feel that I need a change in my career, I prepare myself thoroughly for a new interview. First of all, I do a research on the company and carefully go through the job description. According to the job description, I prepare myself, I make myself clear about many possible questions that the interviewer may ask, such as, why you want this job? Why you are the right person for this job?

I research the company's product/service, about their existence, mission and vision and few more things related to my job position. I research on my role and responsibilities and try to gather more information from my friends who are on the same position. It helps me to decide whether I am fit for this position or not.

Then I try to know something about company culture, values and workplace environment. It is highly essential to know about company culture and values, because getting a job sometimes might be easy but remaining in that job for a long period of time may not be easy for an employee. So to avoid this type of situation, prior knowledge of company culture, values and work environment is necessary and I as an experienced professional always give importance to this and make myself ready for the interview.

In addition to this, I search on the internet about the common interview questions and prepare myself accordingly. I do give importance to body language while preparing myself for the interview and finally walk confidently to the interview at right time.

Yes, it is very important that others should notice me in an important interaction. For that I prepare myself with a good dress up and confidently move towards the interview point. I listen to my interviewer patiently and then answer with an appropriate voice. I try to make the interaction open-ended, providing all the details about my personality, qualification, family background, hobbies and my goal in life. Also try to know more about the company, my job position, product/service and my responsibilities. This will help the interviewer to know about myself and can take decision without any doubt. By making myself open, I can drag the attention of the interviewer and can keep myself ahead of the other interviewees.   

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