
In: Psychology

Imagine that you are an advertising executive. Describe an ad campaign you would create that would...

Imagine that you are an advertising executive. Describe an ad campaign you would create that would use the principles of classical conditioning to create a favorable emotional response to a product (e.g., a car, lipstick, etc.). Alternatively, you could describe an actual ad. In your description, indicate the Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, and Conditioned Response. Also, describe the operation of Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, and Stimulus Generalization in running your ad.

Explain how you would use positive and negative reinforcement to teach a child to read more and how you would use positive and negative punishment to teach them to watch TV less .Explain why you would not use punishment to increase reading or decrease TV viewing. Did you use primary or conditioned reinforcements? Also, indicate the schedule of reinforcement you would use to start more reading, as well as the schedule to maintain a lasting habit of reading that will resist extinction. How and why would you increase reading without extrinsic reinforcement? Why would you not use punishment to break a habit?


Expert Solution

The add campaign which I can do keeping in mind the theories of classical conditioning is a makeup foundation add in which a girl loves to receive praises and attention from other boys soo whenever she puts up this foundation she get plenty of attention now she start putting it daily and everywhere with a thought that she will get attention from others. Here the unconditional stimulus is walking in public and unconditioned response is getting attention, conditioned stimulus is putting foundation on and going out conditioned response is getting attention.

one should use reinforcement to inculcate good habits in an individual because punishment can also attach negative feeling to that activity, action or habit in an individual perspective. To inculcate reading habit in a child I would first fix small goals for him to achieve everyday whenever he achieve a goal he will be praised and given rewards whereas when he failed to achieve his goal he will be marked down like if I'm giving him a star everyday fir completing his goal I will take one star back from him for not hitting the target. For watching more tv he will be deprived of watching tv for the next two days and doing extra work and for watching less tv he will be given more time to play out.

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