
In: Biology

Please explain and elaborate on the life cycle of malaria in regards to microbiology. Within your...

Please explain and elaborate on the life cycle of malaria in regards to microbiology. Within your answer, please include specific details on which life cycle the microbe uses (Kreb's, glycolysis, ETC), details of the specific microbe, and where malaria is most common and why.


Expert Solution

The parasite which cause malaria in humans and other animals belongs to

class -sporozoa

suborder -hemospiridia

genus -plasmodium

Most common species found in humans are

Plasmodium Falciparum ,Plasmodium Vivax ,Plasmodium Malariae ,Plasmodium Ovale.

Inthe life cycle of plasmodium a female anopheles mosquito transmits a motile infective form called sporozoite to a vertebrate host such as human this acting as transmission vector.

The malarial parasite life cycle involves two hosts. During a blood meal a malaria infected female anopheles mosquito inoculates sporozoites into human hosts.

Sporozoites infect liver cells

Matures into shizonts

Rupture and release merozoites

After this initial replication in the liver the parasite undergo asexual multiplication in the erythrozoites. Merozoites infect red blood cells

The ring stage trophozoites mature into shizonts which rupture releasing merozoites.

Some parasites differentiate into sexual erythrocytic stages(gametocytes)

Blood stage parasites are responsible for the clinical manisfestations of the disease.

The gametocytes male(microgametocyte) and female (macrogametocyte) are are ingested by an anopheles mosquito during a blood meal.

The parasite multiplication in the mosquito is known as sporogonic cylce.

While in the mosquitos stomach the microgametes penetrate the macrogametes forming zygotes.

The zygote inturn become motile and elongates(ookinetes).

Which invade the midgut wall of mosquito where they develope into oocysts.

The oocysts grow rupture and release sporozoites.

Which make their way into the mosquitos salivary glands. Inoculation of the sporozoite into a new human hosts perpetuates the malarial life cycle.

In malarial parasite the glycolysis pathway and the pentose phosphate pathway represents the main route of central carbon metabolism. Glycolysis play a major role in the life cycle of malarial parasite. In the erythrocytic stage nearly 90-95% of the glucose flux moves through glycolysis while in other stages it is estimated to be on the border of 80%.

Malaria is most commonly seen in the warmer regions of the world-in tropical and subtropical countries. Higher temperature allows malarial parasite to thrive. Malarial parasite which grow and develope inside mosquito needs warmth to complete their growth before they mature enough to be transmitted to humans.

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