
In: Physics

For ONE day, keep track of all of the electrical devices that you make use of...

  1. For ONE day, keep track of all of the electrical devices that you make use of and for how long. (eg. Microwave oven for 3 minutes; hair dryer for 5 minutes; TV for 90 minutes;...) Track only those devices over which you have direct control and don’t bother about things like home heating and refrigerators that are too challenging to track. Using either a published table of common power ratings (cite your source), or information read off of the device itself, work out the electrical energy consumed by each appliance. (Recall that Energy = Power × Time; express time in hours and power in kilowatts to obtain energy in units of kilowatt-hours.) Present a summary of your findings for that one day in table form (include the name of the device, hours used, power rating, and energy consumed). Which device(s) accounts for most of your electricity consumption? Do you think you can realistically reduce your discretionary consumption of electricity? If so, describe how. (NOTE: Devices that are plugged in but “off” like TVs and chargers still consume a small amount of power - so-called “standby” or “phantom” power. Try to include these contributions. A document from a prior year containing more detailed instructions has been placed on Moodle - its first two pages may be useful to you.)


Expert Solution

As seen from the table, it has been observed that TV consumes the most energy. But that's not case everyday. But also hair dryer and microwave oven consume lot of energy even when used for short period of time.

While other accessories like charger and beard trimmer use less power on daily basis.

However, we can reduce the consumption by using less avoiding all standby losses. This imparts little effect but still can be applied.

We can reduce use of TV by doing other activities to reduce one hour or more and sometime we run tv even when we are using our mobile. This must be avoided.

Checking and monitoring devices like microwave oven so that they don't run in vein.

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