
In: Psychology

If people are born into one culture but raised in another, to which culture(s) do they...

If people are born into one culture but raised in another, to which culture(s) do they belong?


Expert Solution

If people are born into one culture but raised another culture then they are considered as the Bi-culture people. These people can have combined cultural attitudes of two different cultures. Basically biculturalism describes comfort and knowledge of two different cultures. These two cultures can be formed from, where a person was born and another is where a person is brought up. So we can say that they belong to both of the culture and their culture is also considered as the Bicultural.

But according to some researches, in which culture a person stays more that can become his permanent and adaptive culture. So in this aspect we can say that these people are belongs to their raised culture because they had spend a lot of time in their raised culture. This culture has more influences on him rather than heritage culture. As we all know our raised culture can influence our personality, attitudes and educational life so we can say that raised culture has more impact on their life.

As example

John was born in United States, but he was migrated to Germany for his family issues in his 2 years age. After relocating to a different culture, he now belongs to the culture of Germany.

Conclusion- After considering all the factors we can conclude that either these people are bicultural or either they belong to their raised culture.

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