
In: Psychology

1) Identify and describe the three different “Dialectical Tensions.” Then write about a situation or two...

1) Identify and describe the three different “Dialectical Tensions.” Then write about a situation or two with work, family, friends, etc.where you believe one of these “strategies” is potentially better suited than another in “managing tension” in thatsame situation.For example, compare how one of these three “Dialectical Tensions” would work well in a job setting with your employer, rather than in a personal relationship with a good friend.


Expert Solution

Dialectical tension: A a dialectical tension is a system of opposition's that logically or functionally nagate one another. for example certainty and uncertainty can be regarded as a dialectical tension in that certain ATI is regarded as incompatible with uncertainty and vice versa .Dialectical tensions are of three different types.

1 Integration versus separation: then need to do things with others in connection versus The need to have one's own space and do one's own thing that is autonomy.

For example in a relationship there are times when we want to be with the other person. It is when we read a book or the newspaper in the presence of that other person.

2. Novelty versus predictability: The need to be consistent, reliable and study that is predictability versus then it should be different, unique and surprising that is novelty. for example my wife expects predictability out of me. We welcome a little Novelty and surprise every once in a while.

3. Privacy versus transparency: by the sharing of information can help a relationship grow closer and stronger. however this need for self disclosure conflicts with the need for privacy felt by each individual in the relationship. when these needs are at odds with one another, a relational tension is created over how much disclosure is desirable

For example a wife loves his husband with all honesty but she comes to know that he is cheating her by not telling her the truth. the husband was not revealing the truth just because to maintain a stronger relationship because he wants to maintain that privacy. because there is no transparency between a wife and husband the relation becomes weak.

Example for Dialectical Tensions at job:

When we are working in a job, we have to work with a lot of responsibility and without any tension or confusion. we have to create an environment where we feel very comfortable so this can be only achieved by dialectical tensions. Firstly most of us feel like spending or sharing the things with one person in the job and we trust him or her in the jobs and always takes his or her assistance for completion of the work. This shows that the integration where we want to work with that person in the job and we cannot bear the separation for the negligence of that person in the profession.

Secondly the predictability may not work so effectively in the job which becomes very routine but if there is any Novelty that is something different, unique then that will be welcomed by most of the employers in the job. so every time when we are novel then that will be acceptable.

Thirdly, there should be transparency in the profession where we are working because it is the place where we cannot hide or we cannot do something wrong or illegal things in the profession. we should work for the growth of the company and at the same time we should be growing. Once we start maintaining privacy and not making anything transparent there is a chance of doubting us and nobody will keep trust on us where we cannot grow in the company. So every time we should have transparency rather than privacy.

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