
In: Computer Science

IN jAVA Language PLEASE Write a JAVA program that implements the following disk-scheduling algorithms: a. FCFS...


Write a JAVA program that implements the following disk-scheduling algorithms:




Your program will service a disk with 5,000 cylinders numbered 0 to 4,999. The program will generate a random series of 50 requests and service them according to each of the algorithms you chose.

The program will be passed the initial position of the disk head as a parameter on the command line and report the total amount of head movement required for each algorithm.


Expert Solution


Java program that implements the disk scheduling algorithms.



// This node class is used by the SSTF algorithm method.

public class node {
   int distance = 0;
// true if the track has been accessed
boolean accessed = false;

import java.util.Random;

public class DiskscheAlgo {
// initialize the CYLINDERS and REQUESTS
   static int CYLINDERS = 5000;
   static int REQUESTS = 50;

   // Initialize start = 0
   static int start = 0;

   static int[] ran_array = new int[REQUESTS];
   int[] test_array = new int[REQUESTS];

   // This method calculate movements for FCFS algorithm
   static int fcfs(int[] ran_array) {

       int i = 0, head_movement = 0, this_start = ran_array[start];

       for (i = start; i < REQUESTS; i++) {

           head_movement += Math.abs(ran_array[i] - this_start);

       for (i = 0; i < start; i++) {

           head_movement += Math.abs(this_start - ran_array[i]);

       return head_movement;

   // This method calculate distance which is used in SSTF algorithm
   public static void calculateDifference(int queue[], int head, node diff[])

       for (int i = 0; i < diff.length; i++)
           diff[i].distance = Math.abs(queue[i] - head);

   // This method finds the minimum distance
   public static int findMin(node diff[]) {
       int index = -1, minimum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

       for (int i = 0; i < diff.length; i++) {
           if (!diff[i].accessed && minimum > diff[i].distance) {

               minimum = diff[i].distance;
               index = i;
       return index;

   // This method calculate movements for SSTF algorithm
   public static int sstf(int[] ran_array) {
       int head = 0;
       if (ran_array.length == 0)
           return 0;

       node diff[] = new node[ran_array.length];

       for (int i = 0; i < diff.length; i++)

           diff[i] = new node();

       int seek_count = 0;

       int[] seek_sequence = new int[ran_array.length + 1];

       for (int i = 0; i < ran_array.length; i++) {

           seek_sequence[i] = head;
           calculateDifference(ran_array, head, diff);

           int index = findMin(diff);

           diff[index].accessed = true;

           seek_count += diff[index].distance;

           head = ran_array[index];

       seek_sequence[seek_sequence.length - 1] = head;

       return seek_count;


   // This method calculate movements for SCAN algorithm
   public static int scan(int[] ranArray) {

       int i = 0, curr_val = 0, sav_val = ran_array[start], difference = 0;
       int head_movement = 0;

       for (i = start - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

           curr_val = ran_array[i];
           difference = Math.abs(sav_val - curr_val);
           head_movement += difference;
           sav_val = curr_val;


       // Used to subtract value from zero, or just add the same value
       head_movement += sav_val;
       sav_val = 0;

       for (i = start + 1; i < REQUESTS; i++) {

           curr_val = ran_array[i];
           difference = Math.abs(curr_val - sav_val);
           head_movement += difference;
           sav_val = curr_val;


       return head_movement;


   // Main method
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Random rand = new Random();
// Generate random array
       for (int i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {

           ran_array[i] = rand.nextInt(CYLINDERS);

       System.out.println("Start index: " + start + ", " + "start value: " + ran_array[start]);

       // Calculate and print all head movements for algorithms
       System.out.println("FCFS head movements: " + fcfs(ran_array));
       System.out.println("SSTF head movements: " + sstf(ran_array));
       System.out.println("SCAN head movements: " + scan(ran_array));



Start index: 0, start value: 3975
FCFS head movements: 81431
SSTF head movements: 4909
SCAN head movements: 84029

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