In: Computer Science
Write a program that implements the follow disk scheduling algorithms. You can use C or Java for this assignment.
Your program will service a disk with 5000 cylinders (numbered 0 to 4999). Your program will generate a random initial disk head position, as well as a random series of 1000 cylinder requests, and service them using each of the 6 algorithms listed above. Your program will report the total amount of head movement required by each algorithm.
Run the program 10 times and report your findings (e.g. in a spreadsheet or text document).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CYLINDERS 5000
#define REQUESTS 1000
int start = 0;
int ran_array[REQUESTS];
int test_array[REQUESTS];
int* sort_array() {
int temp = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < REQUESTS; ++i) {
for (j = i + 1; j < REQUESTS; ++j) {
if (ran_array[i] > ran_array[j]) {
temp = ran_array[i];
ran_array[i] = ran_array[j];
ran_array[j] = temp;
return ran_array;
/* First-Come-First-Serve (fcfs) starts from the index after the starting
index and continually adds the headmovement from the starting index in
order recieved. If at end of array, start from index zero and continually
add until starting index */
int fcfs(int *ran_array) {
int i = 0, head_movement = 0, this_start = ran_array[start];
for(i = start; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
head_movement += abs(ran_array[i] - this_start);
for(i = 0; i < start; i++) {
head_movement += abs(this_start - ran_array[i]);
return head_movement;
/* Shortest-Seek-Time-First (SSTF) takes the current head position, and
adds the position closest to the current head. This new position now becomes
the head, then this system repeats.
First we sort the array. Then We have counters for above and below start
index that we decrement if used. Once these equal to REQUEST-2 (excluding
start index) we exit. */
int sstf(int * ran_array) {
ran_array = sort_array();
int small_i = start-1, large_i = start+1;
int small_diff = 0, large_diff = 0;
int head_movement = 0, total = REQUESTS-2, new_head = start, head_value = ran_array[start];
while(total >= 0) {
small_diff = abs(ran_array[new_head] - ran_array[small_i]);
large_diff = abs(ran_array[large_i] - ran_array[new_head]);
if(small_diff < large_diff) {
head_movement += small_diff;
new_head = small_i;
} else {
head_movement += large_diff;
new_head = large_i;
return head_movement;
/* SCAN - array is already sorted from sstf. SCAN starts from one left of start,
and continually goes down to zero (if included in randome array or not). Then
starts at one higher than start and continually goes up to highest value (not 5000) */
int scan(int * ranArray) {
int i = 0, curr_val = 0, sav_val = ran_array[start], difference = 0;
int head_movement = 0, curr_i = 0;
for(i = start-1; i >= 0; --i) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(sav_val - curr_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
/* used to subtract value from zero, or just add same value */
head_movement += sav_val;
sav_val = 0;
for(i = start+1; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(curr_val - sav_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
return head_movement;
/* Circular Scan (C-SCAN) - start at start index, increase to upper boundary
(even if no value at boundary), save boundary value, go to start boundary
(zero value) increase till last value before start value */
int cscan(int * ranArray) {
int i = 0, curr_val = 0, sav_val = ran_array[start], difference = 0;
int head_movement = 0, curr_i = 0, upper_bound = 4999;
for(i = start+1; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(sav_val - curr_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
/* add last val - upper bound, go to and add zero bounday (4999)*/
head_movement += upper_bound - sav_val;
sav_val = 0;
head_movement += 4999;
for(i = 0; i < start; i++) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(curr_val - sav_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
return head_movement;
/* Look - start from value above start, increase to highest value.
Then goes to value below start value and decreases until smallest value */
int look(int* ranArray) {
int i = 0, curr_val = 0, sav_val = ran_array[start], difference = 0;
int head_movement = 0, curr_i = 0;
for(i = start+1; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(sav_val - curr_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
for(i = start-1; i >= 0; --i) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(curr_val - sav_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
return head_movement;
/* C-Look - Starts from value after start value, goes to highest value,
then goes to smallest value and increases until value before start value */
int clook(int* ranArray) {
int i = 0, curr_val = 0, sav_val = ran_array[start], difference = 0;
int head_movement = 0, curr_i = 0;
for(i = start+1; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(sav_val - curr_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
for(i = 0; i < start; i++) {
curr_val = ran_array[i];
difference = abs(curr_val - sav_val);
head_movement += difference;
sav_val = curr_val;
return head_movement;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i = 0;
start = atoi(argv[1]);
if(argc != 2) {
printf("Please compile program with starting index from 0-4999. Ex. ./diskAlgorithms 423\n");
for(i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
ran_array[i] = rand() % 5000;
printf("\nStart index: %d, start value: %d\n\n", start, ran_array[start]);
printf("FCFS head movements: %d\n", fcfs(ran_array));
printf("SSTF head movements: %d\n", sstf(ran_array));
printf("SCAN head movements: %d\n", scan(ran_array));
printf("CSCAN head movements: %d\n", cscan(ran_array));
printf("LOOK head movements: %d\n", look(ran_array));
printf("C-LOOK head movements: %d\n\n", clook(ran_array));
return 0;