
In: Computer Science

Write an MSP430 assembly language program that implements the following algorithm: a subroutine, called ‘numadd’ that...

Write an MSP430 assembly language program that implements the following algorithm:

a subroutine, called ‘numadd’ that sums up all the numeric characters present in a sentence (“string” that follows the “C” language convention). For example, if the phrase is "Today is the 21st of month 5", the subroutine must perform the following sum: 2 + 1 + 5 = 8. The subroutine must receive the address of the first character of the corresponding phrase in the " stack ”, and return the result of the sum in register R12.


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        PUSHM.W #1, R4
        MOV.W   R1, R4
        SUB.W   #2, R1
        MOV.W   R12, -2(R4)
        MOV.B   #0, R12
        ADD.W   #2, R1
        POPM.W  #1, r4
        .string "Today is the 21st of month 5"
        .string "Result :  "
        PUSHM.W #1, R10
        PUSHM.W #1, R4
        MOV.W   R1, R4
        SUB.W   #26, R1
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-5, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSaIcEC1Ev
        MOV.W   R4, R13
        ADD.W   #-5, R13
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-26, R12
        MOV.W   R13, R14
        MOV.W   #.LC0, R13
        CALL    #_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-5, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSaIcED1Ev
        MOV.W   #0, -2(R4)
        MOV.W   #0, -4(R4)
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-26, R12
        CALL    #_ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE6lengthEv
        MOV.W   R12, R13
        MOV.W   -4(R4), R14
        MOV.B   #1, R12
        CMP.W   R13, R14 { JLO        .L4
        MOV.B   #0, R12
        AND     #0xff, R12
        CMP.W   #0, R12 { JEQ .L5
        MOV.W   -4(R4), R13
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-26, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEixEj
        MOV.B   @R12, R12
        MOV.B   #47, R13
        CMP.B   R12, R13 { JHS        .L6
        MOV.W   -4(R4), R13
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-26, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEixEj
        MOV.B   @R12, R12
        MOV.B   #57, R13
        CMP.B   R12, R13 { JLO        .L6
        MOV.B   #1, R12
        BR      #.L7
        MOV.B   #0, R12
        CMP.W   #0, R12 { JEQ .L8
        MOV.W   -4(R4), R13
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-26, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEixEj
        MOV.B   @R12, R12
        ADD.W   #-48, R12
        ADD.W   R12, -2(R4)
        ADD.W   #1, -4(R4)
        BR      #.L9
        MOV.W   #.LC1, R13
        MOV.W   #_ZSt4cout, R12
        CALL    #_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
        MOV.W   -2(R4), R13
        CALL    #_ZNSolsEi
        MOV.B   #0, R10
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-26, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev
        MOV.W   R10, R12
        BR      #.L15
        MOV.W   R12, R10
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-5, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSaIcED1Ev
        MOV.W   R10, R12
        CALL    #_Unwind_Resume
        MOV.W   R12, R10
        MOV.W   R4, R12
        ADD.W   #-26, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev
        MOV.W   R10, R12
        CALL    #_Unwind_Resume
        ADD.W   #26, R1
        POPM.W  #1, r4
        POPM.W  #1, r10
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int):
        PUSHM.W #1, R4
        MOV.W   R1, R4
        SUB.W   #4, R1
        MOV.W   R12, -2(R4)
        MOV.W   R13, -4(R4)
        CMP.W   #1, -2(R4) { JNE      .L18
        CMP.W   #-1, -4(R4) { JNE     .L18
        MOV.W   #_ZStL8__ioinit, R12
        CALL    #_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev
        MOV.W   #__dso_handle, R14
        MOV.W   #_ZStL8__ioinit, R13
        MOV.W   #_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev, R12
        CALL    #__cxa_atexit
        ADD.W   #4, R1
        POPM.W  #1, r4
        PUSHM.W #1, R4
        MOV.W   R1, R4
        MOV.W   #-1, R13
        MOV.B   #1, R12
        CALL    #__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)
        POPM.W  #1, r4

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