
In: Operations Management

‏why it is not possible to maintain a database with just physical structures i.e. datafiles, log...

‏why it is not possible to maintain a database with just physical structures i.e. datafiles, log files etc. Solution should emphasize on the need of having
tablespaces, segments, extents and data blocks and their usage by the Database Administrator in effective management of database؟


Expert Solution

The logical structure of the database is an important feature of the DBMS software. Because we need to organize the object in logical fashion otherwise retrieving the data or processing the data will become a very hectic task. Data is said to be facts and statistics stored or free-flowing over a network, which is generally, in its raw form, unprocessed or even processed. One of the major aims of a database is to supply users with an abstract view of data, hiding a certain element of how data is stored and if it is being stored with just physical structure i,e datafiles, logfiles then it would become difficult to retrieve the relevant and required data at a right time. A database management system is very crucial because it helps to manage data efficiently and allows users to perform multiple tasks with ease. A database management system stores organize and manage a large amount of information within a single software application. The use of this system increases the efficiency of business operations and thus helps in an overall reduction of costs. Data are being categorized and structured to fulfill the needs of the company or an organization. Multi layering of the database system is very important so that the storage of data is done systematically.

A database system normally contains a huge amount of data in addition to users’ data. In single-layered data, it is difficult to make any changes once the input is being registered but in the database, it can be changed over time so that it satisfies the requirements of the users.An extent is said to be a specific number of contiguous data blocks allocated for storing a specific kind of statistics. the smallest unit of data used by a database is called a  data block. All these units help in systematic and efficient use of data.

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