
In: Computer Science

Create the actual database using SQL syntax. This is completed using a Database Application (i.e Microsoft...

Create the actual database using SQL syntax. This is completed using a Database Application (i.e Microsoft Access, Oracle, or MySQL) as indicated by your professor. After creating the database – populate it with some data (could be made up). SQL syntax and the DB application will be discussed and taught in class. This is the final deliverable of the group project. Assignment is due by the due date as indicated by your professor. *Make sure to submit the completed database in the correct format (i.e Access file, Oracle, MySQL, etc.), don’t forget to include the SQL commands used to create the tables in the database  

Note. Can please provide the Database Table


Expert Solution

Database SQL syntax:


CREATE DATABASE `classicmodels` ;

USE `classicmodels`;

/*Table structure for table `customers` */


CREATE TABLE `customers` (
`customerNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
`customerName` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`contactLastName` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`contactFirstName` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`phone` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`addressLine1` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`addressLine2` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`city` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`state` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`postalCode` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
`country` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`salesRepEmployeeNumber` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`creditLimit` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`customerNumber`),
KEY `salesRepEmployeeNumber` (`salesRepEmployeeNumber`),
CONSTRAINT `customers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`salesRepEmployeeNumber`) REFERENCES `employees` (`employeeNumber`)

/*Data for the table `customers` */

insert into `customers`(`customerNumber`,`customerName`,`contactLastName`,`contactFirstName`,`phone`,`addressLine1`,`addressLine2`,`city`,`state`,`postalCode`,`country`,`salesRepEmployeeNumber`,`creditLimit`) values
(320,'Mini Creations Ltd.','Huang','Wing','5085559555','4575 Hillside Dr.',NULL,'New Bedford','MA','50553','USA',1188,'94500.00'),
(321,'Corporate Gift Ideas Co.','Brown','Julie','6505551386','7734 Strong St.',NULL,'San Francisco','CA','94217','USA',1165,'105000.00'),
(323,'Down Under Souveniers, Inc','Graham','Mike','+64 9 312 5555','162-164 Grafton Road','Level 2','Auckland ',NULL,NULL,'New Zealand',1612,'88000.00'),
(324,'Stylish Desk Decors, Co.','Brown','Ann ','(171) 555-0297','35 King George',NULL,'London',NULL,'WX3 6FW','UK',1501,'77000.00'),
(328,'Tekni Collectables Inc.','Brown','William','2015559350','7476 Moss Rd.',NULL,'Newark','NJ','94019','USA',1323,'43000.00'),
(333,'Australian Gift Network, Co','Calaghan','Ben','61-7-3844-6555','31 Duncan St. West End',NULL,'South Brisbane','Queensland','4101','Australia',1611,'51600.00'),
(334,'Suominen Souveniers','Suominen','Kalle','+358 9 8045 555','Software Engineering Center','SEC Oy','Espoo',NULL,'FIN-02271','Finland',1501,'98800.00'),
(335,'Cramer Spezialitäten, Ltd','Cramer','Philip ','0555-09555','Maubelstr. 90',NULL,'Brandenburg',NULL,'14776','Germany',NULL,'0.00'),
(448,'Scandinavian Gift Ideas','Larsson','Martha','0695-34 6555','Åkergatan 24',NULL,'Bräcke',NULL,'S-844 67','Sweden',1504,'116400.00'),
(450,'The Sharp Gifts Warehouse','Frick','Sue','4085553659','3086 Ingle Ln.',NULL,'San Jose','CA','94217','USA',1165,'77600.00'),
(452,'Mini Auto Werke','Mendel','Roland ','7675-3555','Kirchgasse 6',NULL,'Graz',NULL,'8010','Austria',1401,'45300.00'),
(455,'Super Scale Inc.','Murphy','Leslie','2035559545','567 North Pendale Street',NULL,'New Haven','CT','97823','USA',1286,'95400.00'),
(456,'Microscale Inc.','Choi','Yu','2125551957','5290 North Pendale Street','Suite 200','NYC','NY','10022','USA',1286,'39800.00'),
(458,'Corrida Auto Replicas, Ltd','Sommer','Martín ','(91) 555 22 82','C/ Araquil, 67',NULL,'Madrid',NULL,'28023','Spain',1702,'104600.00'),
(459,'Warburg Exchange','Ottlieb','Sven ','0241-039123','Walserweg 21',NULL,'Aachen',NULL,'52066','Germany',NULL,'0.00'),
(462,'','Benitez','Violeta','5085552555','1785 First Street',NULL,'New Bedford','MA','50553','USA',1216,'85800.00'),
(465,'Anton Designs, Ltd.','Anton','Carmen','+34 913 728555','c/ Gobelas, 19-1 Urb. La Florida',NULL,'Madrid',NULL,'28023','Spain',NULL,'0.00'),
(471,'Australian Collectables, Ltd','Clenahan','Sean','61-9-3844-6555','7 Allen Street',NULL,'Glen Waverly','Victoria','3150','Australia',1611,'60300.00'),
(496,'Kelly\'s Gift Shop','Snowden','Tony','+64 9 5555500','Arenales 1938 3\'A\'',NULL,'Auckland ',NULL,NULL,'New Zealand',1612,'110000.00');

/*Table structure for table `employees` */


CREATE TABLE `employees` (
`employeeNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
`lastName` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`firstName` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`extension` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`officeCode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`reportsTo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`jobTitle` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`employeeNumber`),
KEY `reportsTo` (`reportsTo`),
KEY `officeCode` (`officeCode`),
CONSTRAINT `employees_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`reportsTo`) REFERENCES `employees` (`employeeNumber`),
CONSTRAINT `employees_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`officeCode`) REFERENCES `offices` (`officeCode`)

/*Data for the table `employees` */

insert into `employees`(`employeeNumber`,`lastName`,`firstName`,`extension`,`email`,`officeCode`,`reportsTo`,`jobTitle`) values
(1056,'Patterson','Mary','x4611','','1',1002,'VP Sales'),
(1076,'Firrelli','Jeff','x9273','','1',1002,'VP Marketing'),
(1188,'Firrelli','Julie','x2173','','2',1143,'Sales Rep'),
(1337,'Bondur','Loui','x6493','','4',1102,'Sales Rep'),
(1370,'Hernandez','Gerard','x2028','','4',1102,'Sales Rep'),
(1401,'Castillo','Pamela','x2759','','4',1102,'Sales Rep'),
(1501,'Bott','Larry','x2311','','7',1102,'Sales Rep'),
(1504,'Jones','Barry','x102','','7',1102,'Sales Rep'),
(1611,'Fixter','Andy','x101','','6',1088,'Sales Rep'),
(1612,'Marsh','Peter','x102','','6',1088,'Sales Rep'),
(1619,'King','Tom','x103','','6',1088,'Sales Rep'),
(1621,'Nishi','Mami','x101','','5',1056,'Sales Rep'),
(1625,'Kato','Yoshimi','x102','','5',1621,'Sales Rep'),
(1702,'Gerard','Martin','x2312','','4',1102,'Sales Rep');

/*Table structure for table `offices` */


CREATE TABLE `offices` (
`officeCode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`city` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`phone` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`addressLine1` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`addressLine2` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`state` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`country` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`postalCode` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
`territory` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`officeCode`)

/*Data for the table `offices` */

insert into `offices`(`officeCode`,`city`,`phone`,`addressLine1`,`addressLine2`,`state`,`country`,`postalCode`,`territory`) values
('1','San Francisco','+1 650 219 4782','100 Market Street','Suite 300','CA','USA','94080','NA'),
('2','Boston','+1 215 837 0825','1550 Court Place','Suite 102','MA','USA','02107','NA'),
('3','NYC','+1 212 555 3000','523 East 53rd Street','apt. 5A','NY','USA','10022','NA'),
('4','Paris','+33 14 723 4404','43 Rue Jouffroy D\'abbans',NULL,NULL,'France','75017','EMEA'),
('5','Tokyo','+81 33 224 5000','4-1 Kioicho',NULL,'Chiyoda-Ku','Japan','102-8578','Japan'),
('6','Sydney','+61 2 9264 2451','5-11 Wentworth Avenue','Floor #2',NULL,'Australia','NSW 2010','APAC'),
('7','London','+44 20 7877 2041','25 Old Broad Street','Level 7',NULL,'UK','EC2N 1HN','EMEA');

/*Table structure for table `orderdetails` */

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `orderdetails`;

CREATE TABLE `orderdetails` (
`orderNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
`productCode` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
`quantityOrdered` int(11) NOT NULL,
`priceEach` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
`orderLineNumber` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`orderNumber`,`productCode`),
KEY `productCode` (`productCode`),
CONSTRAINT `orderdetails_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`orderNumber`) REFERENCES `orders` (`orderNumber`),
CONSTRAINT `orderdetails_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`productCode`) REFERENCES `products` (`productCode`)

/*Data for the table `orderdetails` */

insert into `orderdetails`(`orderNumber`,`productCode`,`quantityOrdered`,`priceEach`,`orderLineNumber`) values

/*Table structure for table `orders` */


CREATE TABLE `orders` (
`orderNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
`orderDate` date NOT NULL,
`requiredDate` date NOT NULL,
`shippedDate` date DEFAULT NULL,
`status` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
`comments` text,
`customerNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`orderNumber`),
KEY `customerNumber` (`customerNumber`),
CONSTRAINT `orders_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customerNumber`) REFERENCES `customers` (`customerNumber`)

/*Data for the table `orders` */

insert into `orders`(`orderNumber`,`orderDate`,`requiredDate`,`shippedDate`,`status`,`comments`,`customerNumber`) values
(10101,'2003-01-09','2003-01-18','2003-01-11','Shipped','Check on availability.',128),
(10107,'2003-02-24','2003-03-03','2003-02-26','Shipped','Difficult to negotiate with customer. We need more marketing materials',131),
(10422,'2005-05-30','2005-06-11',NULL,'In Process',NULL,157),
(10423,'2005-05-30','2005-06-05',NULL,'In Process',NULL,314),
(10424,'2005-05-31','2005-06-08',NULL,'In Process',NULL,141),
(10425,'2005-05-31','2005-06-07',NULL,'In Process',NULL,119);

/*Table structure for table `payments` */


CREATE TABLE `payments` (
`customerNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
`checkNumber` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`paymentDate` date NOT NULL,
`amount` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`customerNumber`,`checkNumber`),
CONSTRAINT `payments_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customerNumber`) REFERENCES `customers` (`customerNumber`)

/*Data for the table `payments` */

insert into `payments`(`customerNumber`,`checkNumber`,`paymentDate`,`amount`) values

/*Table structure for table `productlines` */

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `productlines`;

CREATE TABLE `productlines` (
`productLine` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`textDescription` varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
`htmlDescription` mediumtext,
`image` mediumblob,
PRIMARY KEY (`productLine`)

/*Data for the table `productlines` */

insert into `productlines`(`productLine`,`textDescription`,`htmlDescription`,`image`) values
('Classic Cars','Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb attention to detail and craftsmanship and offer features such as working steering system, opening forward compartment, opening rear trunk with removable spare wheel, 4-wheel independent spring suspension, and so on. The models range in size from 1:10 to 1:24 scale and include numerous limited edition and several out-of-production vehicles. All models include a certificate of authenticity from their manufacturers and come fully assembled and ready for display in the home or office.',NULL,NULL),
('Motorcycles','Our motorcycles are state of the art replicas of classic as well as contemporary motorcycle legends such as Harley Davidson, Ducati and Vespa. Models contain stunning details such as official logos, rotating wheels, working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, and drive chain. Materials used include diecast and plastic. The models range in size from 1:10 to 1:50 scale and include numerous limited edition and several out-of-production vehicles. All models come fully assembled and ready for display in the home or office. Most include a certificate of authenticity.',NULL,NULL),
('Planes','Unique, diecast airplane and helicopter replicas suitable for collections, as well as home, office or classroom decorations. Models contain stunning details such as official logos and insignias, rotating jet engines and propellers, retractable wheels, and so on. Most come fully assembled and with a certificate of authenticity from their manufacturers.',NULL,NULL),
('Vintage Cars','Our Vintage Car models realistically portray automobiles produced from the early 1900s through the 1940s. Materials used include Bakelite, diecast, plastic and wood. Most of the replicas are in the 1:18 and 1:24 scale sizes, which provide the optimum in detail and accuracy. Prices range from $30.00 up to $180.00 for some special limited edition replicas. All models include a certificate of authenticity from their manufacturers and come fully assembled and ready for display in the home or office.',NULL,NULL);

/*Table structure for table `products` */


CREATE TABLE `products` (
`productCode` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
`productName` varchar(70) NOT NULL,
`productLine` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`productScale` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`productVendor` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`productDescription` text NOT NULL,
`quantityInStock` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
`buyPrice` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
`MSRP` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`productCode`),
KEY `productLine` (`productLine`),
CONSTRAINT `products_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`productLine`) REFERENCES `productlines` (`productLine`)

/*Data for the table `products` */

insert into `products`(`productCode`,`productName`,`productLine`,`productScale`,`productVendor`,`productDescription`,`quantityInStock`,`buyPrice`,`MSRP`) values

('S24_2011','18th century schooner','Ships','1:24','Carousel DieCast Legends','All wood with canvas sails. Many extras including rigging, long boats, pilot house, anchors, etc. Comes with 4 masts, all square-rigged.',1898,'82.34','122.89'),
('S24_2022','1938 Cadillac V-16 Presidential Limousine','Vintage Cars','1:24','Classic Metal Creations','This 1:24 scale precision die cast replica of the 1938 Cadillac V-16 Presidential Limousine has all the details of the original, from the flags on the front to an opening back seat compartment complete with telephone and rifle. Features factory baked-enamel black finish, hood goddess ornament, working jump seats.',2847,'20.61','44.80'),
('S24_2300','1962 Volkswagen Microbus','Trucks and Buses','1:24','Autoart Studio Design','This 1:18 scale die cast replica of the 1962 Microbus is loaded with features: A working steering system, opening front doors and tailgate, and famous two-tone factory baked enamel finish, are all topped of by the sliding, real fabric, sunroof.',2327,'61.34','127.79'),
('S24_2360','1982 Ducati 900 Monster','Motorcycles','1:24','Highway 66 Mini Classics','Features two-tone paint with chrome accents, superior die-cast detail , rotating wheels , working kick stand',6840,'47.10','69.26'),
('S24_2766','1949 Jaguar XK 120','Classic Cars','1:24','Classic Metal Creations','Precision-engineered from original Jaguar specification in perfect scale ratio. Features opening doors, superb detail and craftsmanship, working steering system, opening forward compartment, opening rear trunk with removable spare, 4 wheel independent spring suspension as well as factory baked enamel finish.',2350,'47.25','90.87'),
('S24_2840','1958 Chevy Corvette Limited Edition','Classic Cars','1:24','Carousel DieCast Legends','The operating parts of this 1958 Chevy Corvette Limited Edition are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. Features rotating wheels, working streering, opening doors and trunk. Color dark green.',2542,'15.91','35.36'),
('S24_2841','1900s Vintage Bi-Plane','Planes','1:24','Autoart Studio Design','Hand crafted diecast-like metal bi-plane is re-created in about 1:24 scale of antique pioneer airplane. All hand-assembled with many different parts. Hand-painted in classic yellow and features correct markings of original airplane.',5942,'34.25','68.51'),
('S700_3962','The Queen Mary','Ships','1:700','Welly Diecast Productions','Exact replica. Wood and Metal. Many extras including rigging, long boats, pilot house, anchors, etc. Comes with three masts, all square-rigged.',5088,'53.63','99.31'),
('S700_4002','American Airlines: MD-11S','Planes','1:700','Second Gear Diecast','Polished finish. Exact replia with official logos and insignias and retractable wheels',8820,'36.27','74.03'),
('S72_1253','Boeing X-32A JSF','Planes','1:72','Motor City Art Classics','10\" Wingspan with retractable landing gears.Comes with pilot',4857,'32.77','49.66'),
('S72_3212','Pont Yacht','Ships','1:72','Unimax Art Galleries','Measures 38 inches Long x 33 3/4 inches High. Includes a stand.\r\nMany extras including rigging, long boats, pilot house, anchors, etc. Comes with 2 masts, all square-rigged',414,'33.30','54.60');


Database Table Diagram:


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