
In: Computer Science

Database Design CIW State_Capitals Physical Database Create primary and secondary keys for the attached unfinished physical...

Database Design CIW

State_Capitals Physical Database

Create primary and secondary keys for the attached unfinished physical database design.

Country_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,
Country_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Population int NOT NULL,
Country_Size float NOT NULL
Country_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,
Region_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,
Region_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Region_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,
State_Code char(2) NOT NULL,
State_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Date_of_Statehood int NOT NULL,
State_Size float NOT NULL,
State_Population int NOT NULL
State_Code char(2) NOT NULL,
Capital_Code tinyint NOT NULL,
Capital_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Capital_Since smallint NOT NULL,
Land_Area float NOT NULL,
Most_Populous_City bit NOT NULL,
Municipal_Population int NOT NULL,
Metropolitan_Population int NULL,
Note varchar(300) NULL

Ensure your submission addresses each of these components:

  • Introduction: Explain the process to create a physical database.
  • Body: The attached DDL statements are used to create the physical database “State_Capitals” that consists of four tables: “Country,” “Region,” “State,” and “Capital.” However, the statements to create the appropriate primary and foreign keys for the tables are missing.
  • Complete the “State_Capitals” physical database by creating the appropriate primary and foreign keys for them.
  • Conclusion: Summarize how DDL is used to create a physical database objects and the use of primary and foreign keys in relational database.

Submit your project in a word document format


Expert Solution

  • Primary key :
    • Primary key is used to uniquely identify each record in the table
    • Primary key value can not be duplicate and null
  • Foreign key :
    • Primary key of one table is used as foreign key in another table to maintain relationship between one or more table

Below table shows primary and foreign key for each table

Sr.No Table Name Primary key Foreign key Reference table
1 Country Country_Code -- --
2 Region Region_Code Country_Code Country
3 State State_Code Region_Code Region
4 Capital Capital_Code State_Code State


DDL script :

Country_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
Country_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,  
Population int NOT NULL,  
Country_Size float NOT NULL   ,
primary key (Country_Code)
CREATE TABLE Region(      
Country_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
Region_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
Region_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
primary key (Region_Code),
foreign key (Country_Code) references Country (Country_Code)
CREATE TABLE State(      
Region_Code varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
State_Code char(2) NOT NULL,  
State_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,  
Date_of_Statehood int NOT NULL,  
State_Size float NOT NULL,  
State_Population int NOT NULL,
primary key (State_Code),
foreign key (Region_Code) references region (Region_Code)
CREATE TABLE Capital(      
State_Code char(2) NOT NULL,  
Capital_Code tinyint NOT NULL,  
Capital_Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,  
Capital_Since smallint NOT NULL,  
Land_Area float NOT NULL,  
Most_Populous_City bit NOT NULL,  
Municipal_Population int NOT NULL,  
Metropolitan_Population int NULL,  
Note varchar(300) NULL,
primary key (Capital_Code),
foreign key (State_Code) references State (State_Code)

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