In: Operations Management
Explain why monitoring is important, and suggest why the measure of performance can be problematic. Suggest alternative measures of performance.
Explain why monitoring is important, and suggest why the measure of performance can be problematic. Suggest alternative measures of performance.
Monitoring is basically checking. Monitoring is very important in any process, business, plan, and project. For any goal to be accomplished there are different milestones set. For example one has to travel from Mumbai to Pune, if you don’t monitor your speed, time and distance you may take more than the required time. If a project has to be completed in stipulated time frame regular monitoring progress of execution is important. For a sales target to be achieved, daily measuring of the sales done is important which is basically monitoring.
Suggest why the measure of performance can be problematic.
Once one starts measuring performance of any task, process or project, many internal details are reviled. Details like, shortcuts, time delays, no coordination with team, poor quality, additional time requirement, constrains at site, improper budgeting, lack of utilities and many more. To complete task on time once measure of performance starts, many details might be kept hidden from actual. If budgeting was not done as per requirement project team might have to face the heat from top management, which leads to clashes among the department. If procurement was not given a proper heads up there might be delay in raw material at site or for production. Thus measure of performance can help organizations as well as issues will crop up due to the same.
Suggest alternative measures of performance
Every individual to be made accountable for the work assigned. Self monitoring plays a key role so that even if measured one is on track. Having Gant charts and daily updating the same helps the entire team to be kept informed about latest developments.
Clearly defining KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for individuals will help organizations to build more sustainable delivery mechanism.