
In: Operations Management

what is law and regulation in USA and saudi arabia flexiblity working hours? mgt 211 HR

what is law and regulation in USA and saudi arabia flexiblity working hours? mgt 211 HR


Expert Solution

In order to improve the morale of their employees, to take care of their physical and mental health, the USA and Saudi Arabia have legally allowed flexible working hours for their workforce.

Flexible working hours means the employee has the authority to select their own working hours as per their convenience. They do not need to follow the 9 to 5 fixed working period of the company. They, if want, and are qualified, can apply for flexing the time schedule of their work.

It is introduced in both countries recently, and this is a new concept. It is done for the expansion and growth of the economy. Also, in order to provide flexibility and efficiency in some fields like tourism and entertainment, and in order to promote such things, flexible working hours has been introduced in the countries.

Moreover, due to the humongous increase in the women workforce in the countries, in order to provide them the convenience to handle their home as well as work simultaneously, and to promote their independence, such steps have been taken by the governments.

Now, employees can choose their 8 hours round the clock, they are not bound for 9 to 5 working limits, they are given autonomy to choose their working hours from.

It will help in providing satisfaction to the employees and will be helpful in increasing the productivity of their work. It will be helpful in reducing absenteeism and Labor turnover from the company.


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