In: Psychology
Describe how the family is a site of gendered inequality. Discuss either housework or parenting and give specific examples.
Gender differences and inequality are rooted deep in the brain. Gender stereotype is etched in the minds of young children. One of the major stereotypes is, boys wearing blue and girls wearing pink. Blue denotes masculinity and pink denotes femininity. These are the only superficial discriminations. In any field of work, there exists the "glass-door effect" wherein no woman is ever allowed to reach the top most position. In every field a woman is paid lesser than her male counterpart. Gender differences have its roots dug deep in our patriarchal society. A basic freedom of choosing between boy toys or girl toys is taken away from children. They are handed-over gender specific toys. Children are forced to be stuck to toys that are meant for only "boys" or "girls". If a boy aged 5 years, wears nail paint because his mother is painting her nails, the little boy is looked down upon by other adults of the family and is called a girl for his act. The boy then associates nail paint as feminine and never dares to wear it again.
Girls are always seen as the home-maker. As a matter of fact, it is expected out of girls and women to do the household chores like cooking, cleaning, mopping and etcetera. On the other hand, boys are seldom considered to be home-makers. If a boy or a man does household chores, he is praised and the girl on the other hand is taken for granted.