
In: Operations Management

You are assigned by your employer to prospect an area for an extractable material. However, in...

You are assigned by your employer to prospect an area for an extractable material. However, in the course of your work, you discover no such object material but some other valuable material which your employer is not interested. On the other hand, the information which you have is of great importance to another company. As an engineer can you release the particular information which you have to the other party so that the other valuable material may be explored? Demonstrate your solution through a simple case study/example.

Answering Format for the question you had selected:

1. What are your personal belief and stand on this matter?

2. What is the ethical and/or legal issue to be considered? Please state this with reference to the correct Rules and Regulations on Engineering Ethics and Professionalism / standards / codes for engineers. You need to mention the code/standard in your essay.

3. Identify and describe potential stakeholders.

4. Identify alternative ways to resolve the issue, and discuss their potential effects on all stakeholders.


Expert Solution

1- If i was there as a Engineer that i would definitely tell other company to extract the information which is needed by them. According to the case study the material which is found in extraction is of no use for my company therefore i will definitely tell other company this shows ethics and humanity of that Engineer.

2- The Engineer fistly asked his employer this shows the Loyalty of Engineer towards the company. The Engineer informed other company to extract the material of there use this shows Fair dealing attitude of Engineer towards its company because firstly he told his company employer and when they don't need anything out of that material then only he decided to give information to other company regarding this.

3- Employees are consider to be the stakeholder of the company. The employees are consider direct stakeholders of the company and they are dependet on the company for monetary as well as non monetary benefits. The employees should be healthy and safe so they can work with there full effciency in the company.

4- The alternative way to solve the case study is when Engineer got that material there he can sale that particular material to other company and earn good profit out of it but that is against the ethics and humanity of person.

Stakeholders are consider to be a individual, party or a group which are directly or indirectly connected with the company. The mostt common stakeholders in the companies are employees, shareholders,customers,suppliers and government. Different different stakeholders are having different interest in the company.

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