
In: Operations Management

change control meeting and communication - decribe how you will conduct change control meetings and communicate...

change control meeting and communication - decribe how you will conduct change control meetings and communicate project changes to stakeholders


Expert Solution

Communication is a two-way process. It includes the communicator and the audience. The communication is incomplete or worthless if the feedback is not received. Mind you that the format of feedback receiving can vary as it can be verbal, emotional, sign indication, acceptance or refusal sentiments, etc. Change management in an organization is a critical part of growth and challenges for any organization. The change management is needed to be managed efficiently as it can be a point of make or break situations. The change management is mostly managed by the managers, supervisors or executive workforces in an organization. To initiate a change in a team or organization, the following factors should be kept in mind to make the process efficient:

Change in an organization could be acceptable, non-acceptable, or have mixed views of the employees who are concerned with the particular change. Therefore, their views must be listened, worked out, assured and inculcated in the changes to avoid any personal or management conflicts.

The person introducing the change to the team should be the person of integrity, respect and authenticity. The charisma of the person should reflect on his/her decisions so that the team should have faith in the upcoming changes. The also assures to the team that the changes made will not be against their interests and benefits and it is incorporated for the mutual benefits of team and the organization.

The communication made to the team should be transparent, unbiased and effective. For ensuring transparency, the changes conveyed to the management from the client should be reported to the workforce with consistency. This helps the teams to understand the ultimate goals for the requirement of this change. The communication for being effective should be conveyed through various channels such as oral, email, written notices, etc. The oral communication can be fast and effective but fades with the time, therefore written communication helps in keeping the goals aligned with the clients’ interests.

To implement the changes, proper resources and timelines should be provided. As the earlier arrangements were not established in a day or two, therefore, for transitioning the earlier development into the new changed requirements proper timelines and course of actions should be defined.

Before starting to implement the changes, prior roles to each team members, supervisors and managers should be defined and communicated beforehand to avoid any confusions and conflict of work. The roles should be justified and equally distributed without any bias or favouring any teammate.

As the change in the projects proceeds, it is important to supervise and keep a check on the progress being made. Frequent meetings, team communication, appraisals, encouragements should be provided to the teams to ensure that nobody feels left out or lagging behind the specified timelines of schedules.

The supervisors and managers should be always open for the feedback from the teams and should be flexible enough to take their queries, forward it to higher management and clients and seek their resolutions for helping out their team and resources.

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