
In: Chemistry

The reaction A → B + C is known to be first order in A. Below...

The reaction A → B + C is known to be first order in A. Below are data showing the concentration of A as a function of reaction time.

Time, h [A], M
0.5 5.00 x 10-2
1 4.51 x 10-2
2 4.06 x 10-2
3 3.30 x 10-2
4 2.18 x 10-2
5 1.77 x 10-2
6 1.44 x 10-2

(a) What is the average rate of reaction between 0.5 and 2 h? Report the units as well as the numbers.

(b) Plot the data above, showing the concentration of A as a function of the time. From your graph, determine the instantaneous rate of reaction at 4 h. Report the units as well as the numbers.

(c) Plot ln [A] versus time. Estimate the rate constant for this first-order reaction from your graph. Report the units as well as the numbers.


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