
In: Operations Management

Grow Management Consultants has recently implemented a work-life balance policy. The policy includes a new initiative...

Grow Management Consultants has recently implemented a work-life balance policy. The policy includes a new initiative to hold a quarterly social event for all staff.

As the Operations Manager (you) for Grow Management Consultants, you have decided to have an informal meeting with your staff to seek their ideas on social activities and to discuss timing (e.g. which days of the week work best, what time). Note that the policy states that a maximum budget of $500 per activity may be allocated and that activities may be held on Friday afternoons or after 5 pm on any other day of the week.

You should follow the Grow Management Consultants Meetings Policy and Procedures for informal meetings.


PART A- Report on meeting outcomes Assume that you have agreed on all of the social activities discussed at the meeting, as well as the time that the activities will be conducted. Draft an email to be sent to the staff (your assessor) that briefly details the meeting outcomes and lists the social activities agreed on, as well as the agreed times.

PART B - Send a draft email to your assessor. Send the draft email to your assessor. Finish the text with a note that you will be correcting the email, and sending the corrected version shortly. This email should have the word “Draft” in its title

Send a final email to your assessor. Re-open the email you sent in the last activity, and carefully check it for spelling and grammar and ensure that it is a true and accurate record of the meeting. Part of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate to your assessor that you are able to correct your own work accurately, so this email needs to contain text that is an improvement on the previous one.

PART C- When finished, send this final email to your assessor. This email should have the words “Final” in its title. It should be sent within the timeframes set out in the Meeting Policy and Procedures


Expert Solution

Summary of the outcomes of meeting



Subject: Regarding outcomes of the meeting

Dear Sir,

This email is regarding the outcomes of the meeting that has been arranged on 9th of September regarding the conference of October 2020. We have achieved some outcomes that are given below:

The topic of discussion of the meeting is selected that are digital leadership and collective leadership. Both these topics will be discussed that can help to show a way for this company.

Different speakers are identified those who can elaborate the topics. The potential speakers are CEO and other leaders of the firm.

The roles and responsibilities of different participants of the meeting are distributed that can help to arrange the conference properly. Distributing roles and responsibilities helps in proper organization of an event.

Date, time and place of the meeting are selected for the conference that can be viewed on revised conference program.

It is a kind request that you please check the conference program and attached minutes in this mail.

Thanking you

XXX (Operations manager, Grow Management Consultants)

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