
In: Biology

Glucocorticoid secretion increases in response to stress. Which of the following hormones will cause the adrenal...

Glucocorticoid secretion increases in response to stress. Which of the following
hormones will cause the adrenal gland to release glucocorticoids?
Growth hormone (GH)
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)

During the Endocrine Ed simulation, what hormone secretion increased when the
lights were turned out allowing Ed to sleep?
c.thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

During labor, the baby's head pushes against the mother's cervix causing nerve
impulses to transmitted to the brain to stimulate release of oxytocin from the
pituitary gland into the blood stream. Increased levels of oxytocin in the blood
stream stimulate uterine contractions which results in the baby's head pushing
against the mother's cervix. The process repeats causing more and more
oxytocin to be released into the blood stream stimulating stronger and more
frequent contractions.
Is this an example of negative feedback?

Which of the following accurately describes the typical transmission of an
electrical signal through a neuron?
a.cell body>dendrite>axon
b.axon>dendrite>cell body
c.axon>cell body>dendrite
d.dendrite>cell body>axon

Which of the following is defined as a small gap between transmitting and
receiving neurons?
a.cell body
c.synaptic terminal
d.synaptic cleft

Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s).

In the central nervous system (CNS), neurons bundled together are called Blank 1.[ ]
. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), neurons bundled together are
called Blank 2 [.]

When you performed the "ruler catching" experiment, which of the following
accurately describes the muscles used to catch the ruler?
a.sensory receptors
b.integration centers in the brain
c.effector cells

When a response "skips" the integration process where the brain makes a decision about
how to respond to a stimulus, how would we describe this action by the nervous system? In
other words, if a response to a stimulus is made involuntary without conscious thought,
how would the relay system used by the nervous system be described?
a.neural integration
.b.motor neuron output
c.sensory input
c.spinal reflex arc


Expert Solution

Glucocorticoid secretion increases in response to stress. Which of the following
hormones will cause the adrenal gland to release glucocorticoids?

Ans: ACTH Adrenocorticoropic hormone released from hypothalamus and initiate the adrenal gland to release metobolic hormones

During the Endocrine Ed simulation, what hormone secretion increased when the
lights were turned out allowing Ed to sleep?

Answer: melanin: a hypothalamic peptide hormone maintains the behaviour, mood, sleep wake cycle

During labor, the baby's head pushes against the mother's cervix causing nerve
impulses to transmitted to the brain to stimulate release of oxytocin from the
pituitary gland into the blood stream. Increased levels of oxytocin in the blood
stream stimulate uterine contractions which results in the baby's head pushing
against the mother's cervix. The process repeats causing more and more
oxytocin to be released into the blood stream stimulating stronger and more
frequent contractions.
Is this an example of negative feedback?

This is positive feedback process. till the pressure receptors in birth canal feels the pressure of baby sends the positive signal and amplifies the release of hormon oxytocin

Which of the following accurately describes the typical transmission of an
electrical signal through a neuron?

First neurone attaches dendrites as signal receptor, signal goes to cell body then axon then again to other dendrite so ans is Dendrite- cell body-axon

Which of the following is defined as a small gap between transmitting and
receiving neurons?

Synaptic cleft: a gap between axon terminal and dendrite membranes and transmits signals using neurotransmitter and corresponding receptors

In the central nervous system (CNS), neurons bundled together are called [Tracts]
. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), neurons bundled together are
called [nerve.]

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