
In: Biology

Explain how the type of disease, Thalassemia affects the skeletal system. Is the disorder systemic or...

Explain how the type of disease, Thalassemia affects the skeletal system. Is the disorder systemic or focal and how does this affect it’s manifestation on or in the bones.


Expert Solution

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder.It is a systemic disorder.The pathogenesis for this disorder is due to defect in globin chain of hemoglobin.Hemoglobin normaly consist of 4 globin chain 2 alpha and 2 beta chains ,its decreased synthesis or absence cause the disease.Beta thalassaemia is most commonly found.Based on the number of chains affected it can be major or minor thalassaemia,based on homozygosity either homozygous (major) or heterozygous(minor)

Thalassaemia pathogenesis eg given beta thalassaemia

Severe reduction in beta chain synthesis

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