
In: Computer Science

This project requires the student to create a record (in C++ called a struct). The record...

This project requires the student to create a record (in C++ called a struct). The record should contain several fields of different data types and should allow the user to search the records to find the student with the highest grade. In this project the student should gain an understanding of the nature of records with multiple data types, how to save the records, search the records and retrieve them.  The special problems of maintaining records of multiple data types on a digital machine will be seen.


Expert Solution

using namespace std;

//structure for a student
struct Student{
   //name, id and grade can be stored
   string name;
   int id;
   double grade;

int main() {
   //reading number of students
   int n;
   cout << "Enter number of students: ";
   cin >> n;
   //array of n students
   Student students[n];
   //poupulating data in array of struct
   for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++) {
       cout << "\nEnter details of student " << (i+1) << ": \n";
       cout << "Enter Name: " ;
       cin >> students[i].name;
       cout << "Enter student Id: ";
       cin >> students[i].id;
       cout << "Enter grade: ";
       cin >> students[i].grade;
   //printing data stored in array
   cout << "\nStudent Details are: \n";
       for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++) {
       cout << "\n\nDetails of student " << (i+1) << ": \n";
       cout << "Name: " << students[i].name << endl;
       cout << "Student Id: " << students[i].id << endl;
       cout << "Grade: " << students[i].grade << endl;
   //finding out the student having maximum grade
   Student max = students[0];
   for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) {
       if(students[i].grade > max.grade){
           max = students[i];
   cout << "\n\nStudent with Highest grade: \n";
   cout << "Name: " << << endl;
   cout << "Student Id: " << << endl;
   cout << "Grade: " << max.grade << endl;



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