
In: Computer Science

Write in C++: create a Doubly Linked List class that holds a struct with an integer...

Write in C++:

create a Doubly Linked List class that holds a struct with an integer and a string. It must have append, insert, remove, find, and clear.


Expert Solution

  1. #include<iostream>
  2. #include<cstdio>
  3. #include<cstdlib>
  4. /*
  5.  * Node Declaration
  6.  */
  7. using namespace std;
  8. struct node
  9. {
  10.     int info;
  11.     struct node *next;
  12.     struct node *prev;
  13. }*start;
  15. /*
  16.  Class Declaration 
  17.  */
  18. class double_llist
  19. {
  20.     public:
  21.         void create_list(int value);
  22.         void add_begin(int value);
  23.         void add_after(int value, int position);
  24.         void delete_element(int value);
  25.         void search_element(int value);
  26.         void display_dlist();
  27.         void count();
  28.         void reverse();
  29.         double_llist()
  30.         {
  31.             start = NULL;  
  32.         }
  33. };
  35. /*
  36.  * Main: Conatins Menu
  37.  */
  38. int main()
  39. {
  40.     int choice, element, position;
  41.     double_llist dl;
  42.     while (1)
  43.     {
  44.         cout<<endl<<"----------------------------"<<endl;
  45.         cout<<endl<<"Operations on Doubly linked list"<<endl;
  46.         cout<<endl<<"----------------------------"<<endl;         
  47.         cout<<"1.Create Node"<<endl;
  48.         cout<<"2.Add at begining"<<endl;
  49.         cout<<"3.Add after position"<<endl;
  50.         cout<<"4.Delete"<<endl;
  51.         cout<<"5.Display"<<endl;
  52.         cout<<"6.Count"<<endl;
  53.         cout<<"7.Reverse"<<endl;
  54.         cout<<"8.Quit"<<endl;
  55.         cout<<"Enter your choice : ";
  56.         cin>>choice;
  57.         switch ( choice )
  58.         {
  59.         case 1:
  60.             cout<<"Enter the element: ";
  61.             cin>>element;
  62.             dl.create_list(element);
  63.             cout<<endl;
  64.             break;
  65.         case 2:
  66.             cout<<"Enter the element: ";
  67.             cin>>element;
  68.             dl.add_begin(element);
  69.             cout<<endl;
  70.             break;
  71.         case 3:
  72.             cout<<"Enter the element: ";
  73.             cin>>element;
  74.             cout<<"Insert Element after postion: ";
  75.             cin>>position;
  76.             dl.add_after(element, position);
  77.             cout<<endl;
  78.             break;
  79.         case 4:
  80.             if (start == NULL)
  81.             {                      
  82.                 cout<<"List empty,nothing to delete"<<endl;   
  83.                 break;
  84.             }
  85.             cout<<"Enter the element for deletion: ";
  86.             cin>>element;
  87.             dl.delete_element(element);
  88.             cout<<endl;
  89.             break;
  90.         case 5:
  91.             dl.display_dlist();
  92.             cout<<endl;
  93.             break;
  94.         case 6:
  95.             dl.count();
  96.             break;    
  97.         case 7:
  98.             if (start == NULL)
  99.             {
  100.                 cout<<"List empty,nothing to reverse"<<endl;
  101.                 break;
  102.             }
  103.             dl.reverse();
  104.             cout<<endl;
  105.             break;
  106.         case 8:
  107.             exit(1);
  108.         default:
  109.             cout<<"Wrong choice"<<endl;
  110.         }
  111.     }
  112.     return 0;
  113. }
  115. /*
  116.  * Create Double Link List
  117.  */
  118. void double_llist::create_list(int value)
  119. {
  120.     struct node *s, *temp;
  121.     temp = new(struct node); 
  122.     temp->info = value;
  123.     temp->next = NULL;
  124.     if (start == NULL)
  125.     {
  126.         temp->prev = NULL;
  127.         start = temp;
  128.     }
  129.     else
  130.     {
  131.         s = start;
  132.         while (s->next != NULL)
  133.             s = s->next;
  134.         s->next = temp;
  135.         temp->prev = s;
  136.     }
  137. }
  139. /*
  140.  * Insertion at the beginning
  141.  */
  142. void double_llist::add_begin(int value)
  143. {
  144.     if (start == NULL)
  145.     {
  146.         cout<<"First Create the list."<<endl;
  147.         return;
  148.     }
  149.     struct node *temp;
  150.     temp = new(struct node);
  151.     temp->prev = NULL;
  152.     temp->info = value;
  153.     temp->next = start;
  154.     start->prev = temp;
  155.     start = temp;
  156.     cout<<"Element Inserted"<<endl;
  157. }
  159. /*
  160.  * Insertion of element at a particular position
  161.  */
  162. void double_llist::add_after(int value, int pos)
  163. {
  164.     if (start == NULL)
  165.     {
  166.         cout<<"First Create the list."<<endl;
  167.         return;
  168.     }
  169.     struct node *tmp, *q;
  170.     int i;
  171.     q = start;
  172.     for (i = 0;i < pos - 1;i++)
  173.     {
  174.         q = q->next;
  175.         if (q == NULL)
  176.         {
  177.             cout<<"There are less than ";
  178.             cout<<pos<<" elements."<<endl;
  179.             return;
  180.         }
  181.     }
  182.     tmp = new(struct node);
  183.     tmp->info = value;
  184.     if (q->next == NULL)
  185.     {
  186.         q->next = tmp;
  187.         tmp->next = NULL;
  188.         tmp->prev = q;      
  189.     }
  190.     else
  191.     {
  192.         tmp->next = q->next;
  193.         tmp->next->prev = tmp;
  194.         q->next = tmp;
  195.         tmp->prev = q;
  196.     }
  197.     cout<<"Element Inserted"<<endl;
  198. }
  200. /*
  201.  * Deletion of element from the list
  202.  */
  203. void double_llist::delete_element(int value)
  204. {
  205.     struct node *tmp, *q;
  206.      /*first element deletion*/
  207.     if (start->info == value)
  208.     {
  209.         tmp = start;
  210.         start = start->next;  
  211.         start->prev = NULL;
  212.         cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;
  213.         free(tmp);
  214.         return;
  215.     }
  216.     q = start;
  217.     while (q->next->next != NULL)
  218.     {   
  219.         /*Element deleted in between*/
  220.         if (q->next->info == value)  
  221.         {
  222.             tmp = q->next;
  223.             q->next = tmp->next;
  224.             tmp->next->prev = q;
  225.             cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;
  226.             free(tmp);
  227.             return;
  228.         }
  229.         q = q->next;
  230.     }
  231.      /*last element deleted*/
  232.     if (q->next->info == value)    
  233.     {   
  234.         tmp = q->next;
  235.         free(tmp);
  236.         q->next = NULL;
  237.         cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;
  238.         return;
  239.     }
  240.     cout<<"Element "<<value<<" not found"<<endl;
  241. }
  243. /*
  244.  * Display elements of Doubly Link List
  245.  */
  246. void double_llist::display_dlist()
  247. {
  248.     struct node *q;
  249.     if (start == NULL)
  250.     {
  251.         cout<<"List empty,nothing to display"<<endl;
  252.         return;
  253.     }
  254.     q = start;
  255.     cout<<"The Doubly Link List is :"<<endl;
  256.     while (q != NULL)
  257.     {
  258.         cout<<q->info<<" <-> ";
  259.         q = q->next;
  260.     }
  261.     cout<<"NULL"<<endl;
  262. }
  264. /*
  265.  * Number of elements in Doubly Link List
  266.  */
  267. void double_llist::count()
  268. {       
  269.     struct node *q = start;
  270.     int cnt = 0;
  271.     while (q != NULL)
  272.     {
  273.         q = q->next;
  274.         cnt++;
  275.     }
  276.     cout<<"Number of elements are: "<<cnt<<endl;
  277. }
  279. /*
  280.  * Reverse Doubly Link List
  281.  */
  282. void double_llist::reverse()
  283. {
  284.     struct node *p1, *p2;
  285.     p1 = start;
  286.     p2 = p1->next;
  287.     p1->next = NULL;
  288.     p1->prev = p2;
  289.     while (p2 != NULL)
  290.     {
  291.         p2->prev = p2->next;
  292.         p2->next = p1;
  293.         p1 = p2;
  294.         p2 = p2->prev; 
  295.     }
  296.     start = p1;
  297.     cout<<"List Reversed"<<endl; 
  298. }

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