
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ programs to: 1. Create a class called Student with four (4) private member...

Write a C++ programs to:
1. Create a class called Student with four (4) private member variables, name (string), quiz, midterm, final (all
double type);
2. Include all necessary member functions for this class (at least 1 constructor, 1 get function, and 1 grading
function – see #6);
3. Declare three (3) objects of Student type (individual or array);
4. Read from the keyboard three (3) sets of values of name, quiz, midterm, final and assign them to each object;
5. Using the object’s member function to calculate the grade for each student (grade = quiz * 0.2 + midterm * 0.4 +
final * 0.4)
6. Display on the screen only the name of each student and the grade.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class student
    string name;
    double final, quiz, midterm,grade ;
    void getdata();
    void grading();

    student :: student()
cout<<"This is Student Details"<<endl;
void student :: getdata()
cout<<"Enter the student Name"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the student midterm marks"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the student quiz marks"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the student final marks"<<endl;

grade = (quiz * 0.2 + midterm * 0.4 +final * 0.4);


void student :: grading()
cout<<"Student Name :"<<name<<endl;
cout<<"Student grade:"<<grade<<endl;


int main()

student s;

return 0;

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