
In: Computer Science

write a Program in C++ Using a structure (struct) for a timeType, create a program to...

write a Program in C++

Using a structure (struct) for a timeType, create a program to read in 2 times into structures, and call the method addTime, in the format:

t3 = addTime(t1, t2);

Make sure to use add the code to reset and carry, when adding 2 times. Also, display the resultant time using a function:



Expert Solution

code in c++

(code to copy)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

//declare struct
struct timeType{
        int hour;
        int min;
void display(struct timeType t){
struct timeType addTime(struct timeType t1, struct timeType t2){
        struct timeType x;
        //add minutes
        x.min = t1.min+t2.min;
        //add hours
        x.hour = t1.hour+t2.hour+x.min/60; //add carry from minutes
        x.min=x.min%60; //reset minutes
        x.hour=x.hour%24; //reset hours
        return x;

int main()
        struct timeType t1,t2;
        //display t1
        cout<<"t1: ";
        //display t2
        cout<<"t2: ";
        //display t1+t2
        cout<<"t1+t2: ";
        display(addTime(t1, t2));

code screenshot

sample code output screenshot


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