How are psychology principals and the psychology of coaching
alike and differ?
- Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their
own performance. It’s helping them to learn rather than teaching
- Psychologists are also trying to understand the mental
- Compared to psychology where troubled people approach
psychologists, whereas life coaches mainly deal with healthy and
ambitious individuals who are looking for ways to better their
lives through organization, de-cluttering and prioritizing.
- Life coaches deal with people who are generally not fragile,
whether intellectually or emotionally.
- Psychologists diagnose and treat. Life coaches do not diagnose
and treat; they refer such cases to the psychologists.
Why is it important to understand the psychological principles
in order to teach other individual new skills?
- There are certain psychology principles that would help a coach
to work better with their coachee.
- Growth mindset
- Research shows that learners who hold the growth mindset that
intelligence is malleable, and success is related to effort level
are more likely to remain focused on goals and persist despite
- Feedback
- Clear, explanatory and timely feedback to people is important
for learning.
- Intrinsic motivation
- Coachee tend to enjoy learning and to do better when they are
more intrinsically rather than extrinsically motivated to