
In: Computer Science

Write a python program to finish a big-data processing task --- finding out most frequently used...

Write a python program to finish a big-data processing task --- finding out most frequently used words on Wikipedia pages.

The execution of the program generates a list of distinct words used in the wikipedia pages and the number of occurrences of each word on these web pages. The words are sorted by the number of occurrences in ascending order. The following is a sample of output generated for 4 Wikipedia pages.

126 that
128 by
133 as
149 or
160 for
164 is
189 on
191 from
345 to
375 advertising
443 a
473 and
480 in
677 of
1080 the

Since there are a huge number of pages in Wikipedia, it is not realistic to analyze all of them in short time on one machine. In the project, you need to analyze all the pages for the Wikipedia entries with two capital letters. For example, the Wikipedia page for entry "AC" is . Use urllib or urllib2 library to download a page.

A HTML page has HTML tags, which should be removed before the analysis. Use BeautifulSoup library to convert a text from HTML format to text format.


Expert Solution

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup,Comment
import urllib3
import itertools
import requests

# to install these requirements do pip3 install bs4,urllib3,requests

def textToextract(passableValue):
    textDict = {"that":0,"by":0,"as":0,"or":0,"for":0,"is":0,"on":0,"from":0,"to":0}
    # we can add as many string we need to search in the above dictionary
    textList = textDict.keys()
    # this creats a list of all the keys in textDict

    # this for loops through the text we get from get_text and then gets the count of the keys we have in textDict
    for key in textList:
        textDict[key] = passableValue.count(key)
        # getting the count of the string we need to search in the text we get after extracting from get_text in the main for loop

#this to disable warning related urllib which is unauthorized GET which stops the program

alphabets = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]
combinations = list(map("".join,(itertools.permutations(alphabets,2))))
""" this takes the alphabets list and then
itertools.permutations calculates all the perimutattions possible of the alphabets list
map joins the results we get as two separate values
list convers the acquire result to a list
    the resultant list is something like ["AB","AC"....,"ZA"]

http = urllib3.PoolManager()

for i in combinations:
    url = "" + i
    html = requests.get(url)
    r = html.content
    # we give a get request to get the contents from the url
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r, "html.parser")
    # beautifulsoup parses the html so its in readable format
    extracted = soup.find(id="bodyContent")
    # as we only need the body content of each page we find it as it has the id bodyContent
    for element in extracted(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)):
    # this loop remove the comments from the result its not required but the result will be not accurate as it will search for the string we need in the comments too
    extracted = extracted.get_text()
    # this removes the html tag and we get only the text

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