
In: Computer Science

Write a python program that will take in the number of call minutes used. Your program...

Write a python program that will take in the number of call minutes used. Your program will calculate the amount of charge for the first 200 minutes with a rate of $0.25; the remaining minutes with a rate of $0.35. The tax amount is calculated as 13% on top of the total. The customer could have a credit that also has to be considered in the calculation process. Finally, the program displays all this information. Below is a sample run:

Customer account number:                                        12345

Minutes used:                                                                (you provide)

Charge for the first 200 minutes@ 0.25:                (you provide)

Charge for the remaining minutes@ 0.35:             (you provide)     

Taxes:                                                                              (you provide)

Credits:                                                                            (you provide)

Total bill:                                                                         (you provide)

please provide .py program file screenshot and output.


Expert Solution

Python code:

#accepting account number
acc_no=input("Customer account number: ")
#accepting Minutes used
min_used=int(input("Minutes used: "))
#checking if Minutes used is less than or equal to 200
    #finding charge for first 200 Minutes
    #finding charge for remaining Minutes
    #finding charge for first 200 Minutes
    #finding charge for remaining Minutes
#finding total amount
#finding tax amount
#printing amount for first 200 minutes
print("Charge for the first 200 minutes@ 0.25:",charge_200)
#printing amount for remaining minutes
print("Charge for the remaining minutes@ 0.35:",charge_rem)
#printing amount of Taxes
print("Taxes: {:.1f}".format(tax))
#asking for credit amount
credit=int(input("Credits: "))
#printing the Total bill
print("Total bill: {:.1f}".format(total+tax+credit))


Input and Output:

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