
In: Computer Science

In Python write a program that calculates and prints out bills of the city water company....

In Python write a program that calculates and prints out bills of the city water company. The water rates vary, depending on whether the bill is for home use, commercial use, or industrial use. A code of r means residential use, a code of c means commercial use, and a code of i means industrial use. Any other code should be treated as an error. The water rates are computed as follows:Three types of customers and their billing rates:

Code 'r' or ‘R’ (Residential):

$5.00 plus $0.0005 per gallon used

Code 'c' or ‘C’ (Commercial):

$1000.00 for 4 million gallons or less, and $0.00025 for each additional gallon used

Code 'i' or ‘I’ (Industrial):$1000.00 if usage does not exceed 4 million gallons; $2000.00 if usage exceeds 4 million gallons

but does not exceed 10 million gallons; and $2000.00 plus $0.00025 for each additional gallon if

usage exceeds 10 million gallons.

5. For any customer, the program will display a billing summary with the following information:

a. The customer's type (Residential, Commercial, Industrial)

b. The customer's starting meter reading

c. The customer's ending meter reading

d. The total gallons of water used by the customer (end_reading – start_reading) / 10.0

e. The amount of money to be billed to the customer

All output will be appropriately labeled and formatted.



Expert Solution

Here is the code:

def water_bill():    
    customer_type = input('Enter customer type, one from r, c, i: ')
    if(customer_type != 'r' and customer_type != 'c' and customer_type != 'i'):
        print('Error! Please try again.')       
        start_reading = int(input('Enter starting meter reading: '))
        end_reading = int(input('Enter ending meter reading: '))

        gallon_used = (end_reading - start_reading) / 10.0

        if(customer_type == 'r'):
            print('\nCustomer type: Residential')
            bill = 5 + (0.0005 * gallon_used)
        elif(customer_type == 'c'):
            print('\nCustomer type: Commercial')
            if(gallon_used <= 4000000):
                bill = 1000
                bill = 1000 + (0.00025 * (gallon_used - 4000000))
            print('\nCustomer type: Industrial')
            if(gallon_used <= 4000000):
                bill = 1000
            elif(gallon_used > 4000000 and gallon_used <= 10000000):
                bill = 2000
                bill = 2000 + (0.00025 * (gallon_used - 10000000))

        print('Starting meter reading: ',start_reading)
        print('Ending meter reading: ',end_reading)
        print('The total gallons of water used: ',gallon_used)
        print('Billed amount: ', bill)

# calling the function

Here is the output:

For any doubts, please comment below.

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