
In: Computer Science

Write a program in java processing. Write a program that does the following: · Assume the...

Write a program in java processing.

Write a program that does the following: · Assume the canvas size of 500X500. · The program asks the user to enter a 3 digit number. · The program then checks the value of the first and last digit of the number. · If the first and last digits are even, it makes the background green and displays the three digit number at the mouse pointer. · If the two digits are odd, it makes the background red and displays the three digit number at the mouse pointer. · If the first digit is odd and the third is even, it makes the background blue and display the three digit number at the mouse pointer. · The number entered by the user is displayed at the mouse pointer at all times irrespective of the location of the mouse pointer.


Expert Solution

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

int number;

color c;

void setup(){


//asking, reading number

number=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a three digit number: "));

//assuming user will always enter a valid three digit number

//fetching first digit by integer division of number by 100

int first=number/100;

//fetching last digit by modulo division by 10

int last=number%10;

//if first and last digits are even, assigning green color to c

if(first%2==0 && last%2==0){



//if first and last digits are odd, assigning red color to c

else if(first%2!=0 && last%2!=0){



//if first digit is odd and last digits is even, assigning blue color to c

else if(first%2!=0 && last%2==0){



//there is still one more case which is not mentioned in the question, that is

//if first digit is even and second is odd, since not specified any other, I'm

//using a default gray color





void draw(){

//using c as background color


//using black fill color


//drawing number at mouse position



/*OUTPUT (note: mouse pointers are not visible while taking screenshots)*/

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